听电影学英语-人工智能 16(在线收听

  [00:13.18]- We found him. - Where? 找到他了
  [00:13.54]A flesh fair outside Haddonfield 海顿地郊外的机器屠宰场
  [00:17.66]- Is he alive? - Yes 他还活着吗?
  [00:19.34]He's in one piece
  [00:42.30]I see the moon 我看到月亮
  [00:50.14]- Is it real? - I don't know, David 那是真的吗?
  [00:53.54](David) Is it coming? 它过来了吗?
  [00:58.42]I can't tell yet 我看不出来
  [00:59.86]Let's not walk this way 我们别走那边
  [01:13.34]- Where are we going? - This way now 我们要去哪里?
  [01:13.50]Are you in bad trouble? Have you run away from someone? 你惹了麻烦逃出来吗?
  [01:17.86]- My mommy told me to run away. - Why did she say that? 我妈咪叫我逃走
  [01:20.58]I guess… because Henry didn't like me 我猜是因为亨利不喜欢我
  [01:23.94]- Why was that? - Martin came home 为什么?
  [01:27.02]- And who is he? - Martin is Mommy and Henry's real son 他是谁?
  [01:36.06]Mommy will love a real boy 妈咪爱真的小孩
  [01:39.78]The Blue Fairy will make me into one 蓝仙女会把我变成真人
  [01:42.82]Is Blue Fairy Mecha, Orga, man or woman? 蓝仙女是男人还是女人?
  [01:45.82]Woman 女人
  [01:47.78]“Woman”? 女人?
  [01:51.46]I know women! 我最了解女人
  [01:55.38]- (Begins) - They sometimes ask for me by name 她们都指名要找我
  [01:59.14]- I'm in heaven - I know all about women 我了解女人的一切
  [02:02.82]No two are ever alike 每一个女人都不同
  [02:02.90]As about as much as there is to know 该知道的都知道
  [02:06.98]And after they've met me, no two… are ever the same 等她们遇见我…
  [02:11.94]And I know where most of them can be found 我知道她们都在哪里
  [02:12.74]- Where? - Rouge City 哪里?
  [02:18.02]Across the Delaware. Too far for our feet 过了德拉威州,走路到不了
  [02:20.30]We'll need help to get there 我们需要帮忙
  [02:26.10]- (Stops) - And… 而且路上充满危险
  [02:27.78]it is not without peril
  [02:31.26]We will have to journey… 我们必须走向…
  [02:37.98]towards the moon 大大的月亮
  [02:42.90]Are there many women in Rouge City? 艳都有很多女人吗?
  [02:45.06]- As there are stars at night. - How will we find just one? 就像天上的星星那么多
  [02:51.22]We will ask Dr. Know 我们去问万事通博士
  [02:56.10]There is nothing he doesn't 天下事他无所不知
  [03:05.86]Exactly what name do you give this woman? 这个女人叫什么名字?
  [03:07.94]She is… just Blue Fairy 她叫蓝仙女
  [03:10.58]Blue Fairy 蓝仙女
  [03:13.38]In the world of Orga, blue is the color of melancholy 蓝色在人类世界代表忧郁
  [03:16.18]Yet, the services I provide will put a blush back on anyone's cheek 但我能让任何女人面红耳赤
  [03:20.54]I will change the color of your fairy for you. She will scream out in the moonlight 我要为你改变仙女的颜色
  [03:25.22]“Oh! Oh, yes! Oh, God! Oh, yes! Oh, God! Oh, God!” 好…老天哪…好棒哦
  [03:29.50]She will make you a real boy, for I will make her a real woman 我让她当女人,她让你当男孩
  [03:34.14]And all will be right with the world because you held my hand… 世上一切都很美好
  [03:39.74]and saved my brain, so that once again my customers may ask for me by name… 我的客人又能指名要我服务
  [03:42.98]“GigoloJoe, what do ya know?” 舞男乔,真没想到
  [03:46.58]Why do you do that? 你为什么跳舞?
  [03:48.58]That's just what I do 我就是这样
  [03:54.46]Now, follow me and don't fall behind 跟我来,别落后了
  [03:55.74]All roads lead to Rouge 条条大路到艳都 他们不是都这么说吗?
  [03:58.14]Don't they say that, eh? Don't they just?
  [04:13.14]There are girls your age who are just like me 那儿有漂亮的机器美女
  [04:17.42]We are the guiltless pleasures of the lonely human being 我们专门为你们提供欢愉享受
  [04:19.70]You're not gonna get us pregnant or have us to supper with Mommy and Daddy 不必怕我们怀孕
  [04:21.86]We work under you, we work on you and we work for you 我们用尽方法为你们服务
  [04:26.86]Man made us better at what we do than was ever humanly possible 我们的技巧比任何人类都高明

  [04:30.94]If you could manage us a lift to Rouge City 如果你们载我们到艳都
  [04:35.02]- (Humming) - All this… 这些…
  [04:41.78]And much, much more… 还有更多更多的美女
  [04:46.34]can be yours. 都是你们的
  [04:48.34]Get in 上车
