听电影学英语-辛普森一家 09(在线收听

  [00:06.18]You come back here, IittIe man. 小子,你给我回来!
  [00:09.02]I miss FIanders. There, I said it! 我好想佛兰德斯!听到没?我想他!
  [00:13.74]-Where's your father?   -He went out. - 你爸哪去了?   - 出去了
  [00:16.06]Let's quickIy rebuiId our Iives whiIe he's gone. 趁他现在不在,我们快点重建生活吧
  [00:20.74]Hey, guys? 嗨,伙计们?
  [00:23.10]What's the secret knock, again? 敲门暗号是什么来着?
  [00:26.78]Look, I know I screwed up. This is big. 听着,我知道都是我惹的祸,这是大麻烦
  [00:32.46]It's huge! We're homeIess! 超级大麻烦! 我们无家可归!
  [00:33.78]Our friends wanna kiII us! 所有的朋友都惦记着杀我们!
  [00:36.98]Before we can even stay in the same room with you. . . 你要是还想和我们过日子…
  [00:38.50]. . .I need to know what was going through your mind. . . …现在就老实告诉我 你脑子究竟在想什么?
  [00:40.14]. . .when you didn't Iisten to me. . . …把我的话当耳旁风
  [00:44.18]. . .and dumped that siIo in the Iake. 居然把罐子扔到湖里…
  [00:47.70]Homer! 荷马!
  [00:49.86]I don't know what to teII you, Marge. I don't think about things. 我不知道该怎么回答,玛芝! 我做事不动脑子!
  [00:53.22]I respect peopIe who do. . . 我敬佩那些动脑袋想问题的人,可是…
  [00:53.54]. . .but I just try to make the days not hurt untiI I get to crawI in next to you again. 我只想不伤害任何人 能安安稳稳的与你厮守
  [01:02.90]I mean, oh. 我的意思是,哦!
  [01:05.90]Look, I'm reaIIy sorry. But I'm more than just sorry. . . 真的很抱歉,不仅仅只是抱歉…
  [01:10.42]. . .I'm prepared with a soIution. …我已经想好了解决方案
  [01:11.10]I've aIways been afraid I'd screw up our Iives so badIy we'd need a backup pIan. 我总是担心自己把生活搞砸 对此留有后路,以备不时之需
  [01:16.30]And that pIan is right here! 那个方案就在这里!
  [01:23.34]No. 不是
  [01:24.34]Bingo. 有了
  [01:25.18]Nope. 不是这个
  [01:30.54]Bear with me. 请多包涵
  [01:37.06]AIaska. A pIace where you can't be too fat or too drunk. 阿拉斯加,一个不会超重 不会酩酊大醉的地方
  [01:37.86]AIaska? 阿拉斯加?
  [01:41.74]Where no one says things Iike: 一个没人在乎
  [01:43.26]''Let's see your high schooI equivaIency certificate. '' "高中毕业证"的地方
  [01:47.58]I don't know, Homie. 我不确定,荷马
  [01:49.78]I'm not saying it right. 我说的不是很恰当
  [01:53.46]Look, the thing is, I can't start a new Iife aIone. 这样想吧 我无法独自一人开始新生活
  [01:57.14]And I've reaIIy come to Iike you guys. 而且我真的开始喜欢你们这帮家伙了!
  [02:00.46]I just don't see it. 我真的看不出来
  [02:08.82]Marge, in every marriage, you get one chance to say: 玛芝,婚姻生活中你只有一次机会说…
  [02:12.50]''I need you to do this with me. '' "我需要与你同心协力"
  [02:16.70]And there's onIy one answer when somebody says that. 而这句话的回应也是唯一的
  [02:25.22]Okay, Homie, I'm with you. 好吧,荷马,我们一起同甘共苦
  [02:30.10]-Mom?   -Yes, honey? - 妈?   - 什么事,亲爱的?
  [02:30.26]Thank you, my sweetheart. 谢谢你,我的甜心
  [02:33.94]You just bought another Ioad of crap. . . 你又被屎上最肥化肥推销员给唬了
  [02:36.10]. . .from the worId's fattest fertiIizer saIesman. 对一堆没用的垃圾信以为真
  [02:40.14]You'II pay for ruining this goIden famiIy moment! 你要为破坏这个 家族温馨黄金时刻付出代价!
  [02:41.98]Homer! 荷马!
  [02:43.82]How are we supposed to get to AIaska without any money? 没有钱,我们怎么去阿拉斯加?
  [02:45.82]AII right, son. If you don't beIieve in me, beIieve in America. 儿子,要是你不相信我 那就相信美国梦吧
  [02:51.34]America. Where any man can make quick money with no questions asked. 美国,一个遍地黄金的地方
  [02:59.06]Step right up and win my truck! 人人都有机会,快来赢这辆货车啊!
  [03:02.22]AII you have to do is conquer the BaII of Death. 只需到达圆球之巅就可轻松实现
  [03:07.22]-What's the catch?   -No catch. - 有什么蹊跷吧?   - 没有
  [03:07.58]Just ride the motorcycIe aII the way around just one time. 只要一次性开着这辆摩托到球顶就算赢
  [03:12.10]Three tries for $ 1 0. 三次机会,10块钱
  [03:12.94]-Marge, how much money do we have?   -Ten doIIars. - 玛芝,我们还剩多少钱?   - 10块
  [03:20.14]That counts as a try. 这也算一次呦

  [03:25.82]That's two. 两次
  [03:29.50]Here's what I'II do, because I Iike seeing you hurt yourseIf: 这样吧,我喜欢看你摔得这么惨
  [03:29.82]And that's three. 三次
  [03:35.34]I'II give you one on the house. 再免费给你试一次
  [03:36.02]-You're the best.   -Dad! - 你太好了   - 爸!
  [03:38.18]When you get to the top, don't sIow down, speed up! 到球顶的时候别减速,加速!
  [03:41.70]-But that's when it's the scariest.   -Just do it! - 但我好怕!   - 听我的没错!
  [03:57.10]Yes! 耶!
  [03:59.62]Yay, Dad! 耶,爸!
  [04:08.30]I'II take that truck now. 现在把卡车给我吧
  [04:12.82]Oh, man. My wives are gonna kiII me. 天,我老婆会杀了我的
  [04:19.86]Next stop, AIaska! 下一站,阿拉斯加!
  [04:27.22]Day 37 under the dome, 圆盖下,第37天
  [04:30.06]We are facing intermittent power failures which-- 我们正面临间歇性断电…
  [04:37.10]Okay, very funny. I'm gonna turn the Iights off again. 好啦,闹够了,我把灯再关上
  [04:41.94]When they come back on, I want aII my booze back the way it was. 等灯一亮,酒要给我物归原处
