纯正地道美语 第146期(外教讲解):有关电影的争(在线收听

  A: Wow, that terrible movie is finally over. Next time I’m picking the film, because I don’t want to end up seeing a chick flick.
  B: Well you should have picked, in the end you always complain about everything.
  A: Not everything, just this film. Even the title is ridiculous; and it’s so long, those are the two and  a half most wasted hours of my life, so much so that I’m thinking about asking them to give me my money back.
  B: I’m thinking of taking you back home. I thought we could have a nice evening, but you’re always so negative.
  A: I’m only complaining about a movie that I could have rented or bought and then thrown in the  garbage.
  B: You see, that’s what I’m talking about, I can’t stand your sarcastic jokes anymore
  A: Next time, go with your gay friend who is more in touch with his feelings.
  B: Well he’s more of a man than you are; at least he appreciates love stories.
  A: Love? More like one-night-stands.
  B: Don’t criticize Mario or else I’ll start on those fat, drunk friends of yours; they’re no saints.
  A: My friends?  Fat?  What about those whales you call friends?
  B: You’re unbearable; you can walk home, I’m leaving.

  chick flick n.(俚语)肥皂剧(以女性为主要观众, 多以爱情为主题)
  sarcastic adj.  讥讽的;嘲笑的;挖苦的
  in  touch with 和……联系紧密
  one-night-stand 一夜的夫妻
  criticize  vt. 批评;挑剔;责难
  His policies were severely criticized.
  unbearable adj.  不能忍受的
  intolerable a.无法忍受的
  chauvinist 本…第一主义者
  例如:male chauvinist 大男子主义者
  make fun of 取笑
  brag v.自夸,吹嘘
  discuss vt.讨论,谈论
  A: 那部糟糕的电影终于结束了,下次我选电影,因为我不想看一个肥皂剧。
  B: 你本应该选电影的,结果你总是抱怨一切事情。
  B: 我本想带你回家,我想我们可以过一个愉快的晚上,但是你总是泼冷水。
  A: 我只是在抱怨一个我本可以租或买的电影,然后扔进垃圾箱里。
