听电影学英语-恋夏500天 10(在线收听

  [00:01.32]I shouldn't have done that. 我不该那样
  [00:05.04]Done what? Gotten mad at you. - 不该什么  - 生你的气
  [00:07.96]I'm sorry. 对不起
  [00:13.92]Look, we don't have to put a label on it. 好吧  我们不需要贴上标签
  [00:18.05]That's fine. I get it. 这很好  我明白了
  [00:20.13]But, you know, I just- I need some consistency. 但你知道  我只是.. 需要点默契
  [00:23.30]I know. 我知道
  [00:25.76]I need to know that you're not gonna wake up in the morning... 我只是想弄清楚  你不会一天早上醒来
  [00:28.85]and... feel differently. 感觉.. 不一样
  [00:38.40]And I can't give you that. 但我不能给你保证
  [00:41.32]Nobody can. 没人能
  [00:52.33]That hurt? I'm sorry. 很抱歉 让你伤心了
  [00:54.88]No, it doesn't hurt. 没事
  [00:57.46]I like you. 我喜欢你
  [01:01.88]All right. 没事了
  [01:13.56]# You loved her You were kissing #
  [01:16.11]Shh. Well, what about you? Did you ever even have a boyfriend? 那么  你呢   有过男朋友吗
  [01:20.69]Well, of course. Yeah? - 当然  - 恩
  [01:22.70]Yeah. Well, tell me about them. - 恩  - 跟我讲讲
  [01:24.74]No. Oh? Why not? - 不   - 为什么
  [01:26.74]Because it's not important. 因为那不重要
  [01:29.12]I'm interested. 我想听
  [01:34.75]All right. Fine. You want to go there? 好吧   你想听
  [01:36.96]Yeah. I can take it. Fine. 我能接受
  [01:42.42]So- 那么
  [01:44.84]Well, in high school there was Markus. 高中时的男朋友叫马库斯
  [01:48.01]- Quarterback-slash-homecoming king? 四分卫  肩带  返校节国王
  [01:50.39]No. He was a rower. 不 他是个赛艇运动员
  [01:54.10]He was very hot. 他很性感
  [01:57.94]For a brief time in college there was, um- there was Charlie. 大学里有一阵子  和查理在一起
  [02:04.20]She was nice, but- 她 人很好 但是...
  [02:07.20]And then there was my semester in Sienna. 之后是我在锡耶纳的那个学期
  [02:10.04]Fernando Belardelli. 和费尔南多·波拉戴尔在一起
  [02:14.75]Also known as "The Puma." 他绰号叫 "美洲狮"
  [02:16.71]- The Puma? - Yeah, The Puma, 'cause, you know. - 美洲狮   - 对 美洲狮   因为...
  [02:23.80]So- 那么
  [02:26.09]Oh, that's it? The ones that lasted, yeah. - 就这些吗   - 相处过一段时间的就这些
  [02:29.39]What happened? Why- Why didn't they work out? 然后呢   为什么..  他们为什么出局了
  [02:31.93]What always happens. Life. 世事难料  人生就是这样
  [02:40.48]That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. 这是我听过的 最白痴的事
  [02:42.61]No, it's not. It's awesome. Trust me. 肯定不是  那很了不起   相信我
  [02:45.65]I'm serious. 我说真的
  [02:48.82]I'll go first. 我先来
  [02:52.45]Penis. 鸡巴
  [03:03.80]Penis. 鸡巴
  [03:05.80]Penis! Penis! - 鸡巴   - 鸡巴
  [03:08.09]Penis! There's kids around. - 鸡巴   - 孩子们在附近
  [03:10.10]There are no kids around. 没有
  [03:12.60]Penis! Penis! - 鸡巴  - 鸡巴
  [03:14.89]You having fun? Yeah. - 很好玩   - 对
  [03:17.10]This is the kind of thing you did with The Puma, isn't it? 你和美洲狮也玩这个
  [03:19.52]Oh, we rarely left the room. 不 我们很少出门
  [03:22.86]Penis! 鸡巴
  [03:25.57]Sorry. Tourette's. You know how it is. Penis! - 抱歉  妥瑞氏症  你们知道的  - 鸡巴
  [03:27.86]She has it too. Penis! Penis! - 她也是   - 鸡巴   - 鸡巴
  [03:29.99]Shh. Everyone's looking over here. I'm done. I'm done. - 小声点  人们都在看你  - 好了 好了
  [03:33.54]Are you done? I'm done. - 不喊了   - 恩
  [03:35.25]You're done? Yeah. - 真的   - 恩
  [03:36.91]This is too much. Unleash me. I'm done. - 太过分了  - 放开我吧 我不喊了
  [03:39.17]Promise? I promise. - 保证  - 保证
  [03:42.63]I promise. 我保证
  [03:44.63]Penis! 鸡巴~
  [04:00.98]It's very complex. Mmm. - 很复杂  - 恩
  [04:04.19]In a way, it sort of, like, 某种程度上  有点像
  [04:07.32]says... so much... 表达.. 很多东西..
  [04:10.20]by... 通过..
  [04:13.08]saying so little. 很简单的东西
  [04:21.33]Do you want to go to the movies? Yep. - 想去看电影吗   - 恩
