听电影学英语-邻家女孩 14(在线收听

  [00:07.16]I'm sorry I got upset. 我很抱歉,我很烦
  [00:09.72]I just--I felt taken advantage of. 我觉得被欺骗了
  [00:12.92]Look, I'm not gonna be a dick. I know she loves you. 我不想做个混球,我知道她爱你
  [00:16.80]I'm gonna leave you guys alone. 我不会管你们的
  [00:17.96]But now you're doing something for me. 但是现在你要为我做点事
  [00:31.52]Remember that ass-bag Hugo from the convention? 记得大会上的那个雨果?
  [00:35.00]We used to be partners a long time ago. 我们很久以前曾是搭档
  [00:35.88]One day, I had this killer idea… 某天我想出一个超级主意…
  [00:37.88]to make films set in real-life situations. 拍摄真实生活情形的电影
  [00:40.72]You know, Real World porn. 你知道,真实的A片
  [00:43.40]I tell the idea to Hugo. He says he'll think about it. 我把这个主意告诉雨果,他说别想了
  [00:46.40]And what does that mother fucker do? 但是这个狗娘养的是怎么做的呢?
  [00:49.88]Takes my best girls, starts his own company with my idea… 带走我最好的女孩,用我的主意开了他自己的公司…
  [00:52.28]and the guy makes millions. 这家伙赚了几百万
  [00:55.64]It's not the money that pisses me off. I mean, yeah, fuck… 不是钱让我生气,我是说,钱让我生气…
  [00:58.92]it does piss me off, but that's not it. 但不是钱的问题
  [01:01.04]It's the perception. Everybody thinks Hugo's the genius. 是别人的看法,大家都认为雨果是天才,那是我的主意
  [01:03.28]It was my idea. It's like he's Simon and I'm Garfunkel. 就像他是保罗西蒙,我是亚特加芬科尔
  [01:09.28]Look at me, man. 看着我,老兄
  [01:11.56]I'm fucking Garfunkel. 我是他妈的加芬科尔
  [01:17.12]Look, seriously. I can't do this. 说真的,我不能这么做
  [01:19.92]Don't be a pussy. Nobody's home. 别扭扭捏捏了,没人在家
  [01:28.08]-Why do you want this thing so bad? -Because. It should've been mine. -你为什么这么想要这个东西? -因为它本应是我的
  [01:29.16]-I'm just gonna grab it andleave -You don't understand. -我抢了就走 -你不明白…
  [01:33.20]I have to be at a dinner in an hour. My whole life depends on it. 我必须一小时内出席晚宴,我这辈子就靠它了
  [01:36.20]-You want me out of Danielle's life? -Yes, I do. -你要我从丹妮儿的生活中离开? -是的
  [01:40.28]-Then let's go -But wait. Seriously-- -那我们就干吧 -等等,说真的
  [01:44.84]Sometimes in life, if you want to do something good, you gotta do something bad. 有时候如果你想做点什么好事,你也要做点坏事
  [01:48.04]Yeah, but this is breaking and entering. 对,但这是侵闯民宅
  [01:49.00]This is politics. 这是政治
  [01:57.00]Hey, after this, we're cool, okay? 嘿,这事之后就好了,好吗?
  [02:02.72]You're all right, man. 你没事的,老兄
  [02:33.88]Yes. I'd like to report a robbery. 我要报告一起抢劫
  [02:52.64]Bang me! 救命
  [02:56.04]Cradle the balls! 救命!操!
  [03:10.56]Help me! 救我!
  [03:13.04]Help! Ah, fuck! 救我,他妈的!
  [03:20.60]Wait! Come on! 等等!别这样!
  [03:41.04]Okay, so what time does the dinner start? 好吧,晚宴几点开始?
  [03:44.36]6:00. Why? What time is it now? 6点整,怎么了,现在几点?
  [03:49.40]-6:30 -Oh, my God! -6:30 -老天
  [03:52.52]Don't worry. We'll get there.Just try and-- 老兄,别担心,我们会赶到的,你知道吗?试着…
  [03:54.56]Dude, what are you doing? 哥们,你在做啥?
  [03:55.56]I don't know. I just-- 我不知道,我只是…
  [04:00.28]I feel so good. 感觉妙极了
  [04:09.60]Oh, my God. 天啊
  [04:14.88]I--I just feel so weird. 我感觉怪怪的
  [04:14.96]Shh. Don't worry. Ecstasy is not that bad. 别担心,“入迷”也没那么坏
  [04:19.36]-What? -Kelly likes dosing people with "E." -什么? -凯利爱让人服用迷幻药
  [04:26.12]No, no. It's okay, Matt. You're gonna be fine, I promise. 不不不,没事的,小马,你会好的,我保证
  [04:30.40]You're such a good friend, Klitzy. I love you. 你真是好朋友,克立兹,我爱你
  [04:34.04]I love you so much. 我那么爱你
  [04:34.36]This is gonna be amazing! 会很妙的!
  [04:40.80]Wait a second. 等等
  [04:42.80]Oh, my God. 天啊
  [04:45.04]You don't understand. 你不明白
  [04:48.44]It's really kicking in right now. 头晕得厉害
  [04:50.84]Just try not to talk so much, okay? 不要这么罗嗦,好吗?
  [04:53.64]Talk so much? I'm giving a speech. 说太多?我是要演讲啊
  [04:56.72]-It's okay. Just go with it -Wait, wait, wait! -没事,随便吧 -等等
  [04:57.72]In a few minutes, we'll begin the speeches, and we hope-- 几分钟后,我们要开始演讲了,我们希望…
