听电影学英语-复制娇妻 01(在线收听

  [01:05.50]The Stepford Wives (2004) 片名:复制娇妻(2004)
  [01:14.10]Matthew Broderick 主演:马修·布鲁德里克
  [03:16.98]Ladies and gentlemen, I would now like to introduce 女士们先生们 现在我向你们介绍
  [03:19.22]a legend in our industry. 一位我们业界的传奇人物!
  [03:20.50]She's the most successful president in the history of our network 她是表现最优秀的电视秀节目主持
  [03:25.90]and for the past five years has kept us at the very top of the ratings. 她让我们在过去五年始终保持收视率第一
  [03:30.78]She's our maverick, our wild card, 她是与众不同的,我们的王牌
  [03:34.14]and today she's gonna take us right to the edge. 今天她要带领我们走向领先
  [03:35.22]Please welcome a giant, a genius 请欢迎我们的巨星,天才
  [03:39.50]and the hardest-working person in television: Joanna Eberhart. 电视界工作最努力的人 乔安娜.埃伯哈特
  [03:46.18]Way to go, Joanna! 干得好!乔安娜
  [03:54.70]Thank you all so much. Thank you. 非常感谢!谢谢你们
  [03:59.18]Joanna! 乔安娜
  [04:02.26]That feels good, especially coming from such a fantastic group of people 这种感觉真好 特别是这掌声来自这样美妙的一群人
  [04:06.74]from all across our great nation, our network affiliates. 我们广播网来自全国各地的会员电视台
  [04:11.34]Give yourselves a great big hand. You deserve it. 给你们自已一些热烈的掌声 这是你们应得的
  [04:15.62]And I want a big, fat Christmas bonus. 另外我想要一笔丰厚的圣诞节奖金
  [04:19.58]Just kidding, but not really, because... 开玩笑的,不过并不完全是,因为…
  [04:21.78]...I am so excited, I am so on fire, I am so guts-and-glory passionate 对于我即将向你们展示的 我是如此兴奋,如此激动
  [04:26.06]about what I am about to show you. 如此充满对勇气和光荣的热情
  [04:26.74]So get ready, because on Monday nights 那么准备好,周一晚上
  [04:30.78]the whole world will be watching a man, a woman and a buzzer! 整个世界都会观看一个男人 一个女人和一个抢答器!
  [04:38.30]Balance Power 力量平衡
  [04:43.86]Are you ready for the final gender challenge? 你准备好迎接最后的挑战了吗?
  [04:50.18]- Who makes more money? - I do. - 谁赚的钱更多 - 我
  [04:51.78]Who enters ironman triathlons every year and wins? 谁每年都参加铁人三项赛并且获胜?
  [04:53.98]Who secretly wishes they were married to a hot, sexy lesbian? 谁想和一个性感的甜蜜的女同性恋者结婚?
  [04:55.06]I do. 我
  [04:57.82]- I do! - I do! - 我 - 我
  [04:59.86]It's Tara! 是唐拉
