CNN 2011-03-25(在线收听

Late last night Central European time, two U.S. Air Force crew members ejected from their F-15E Strike Eagle after the aircraft encountered an equipment malfunction in eastern Libya.  Both crew members ejected and are safe.  Crew member -- one crew member was recovered by coalition forces, the other crew member was recovered by the people of Libya.  He was treated with dignity and respect, now in the care of the United States.

The F-15 was assigned to conduct a strike mission against Gadhafi regime missile capabilities -- action in compliance with the provisions of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973.

On the good side, the reactor 3 appears to have some electricity back in sight. The main control room has electricity. The officials say that they knew this when the lights in the main control room actually went on. This is significant because now what the officials can do is trying and sorting out the air-conditioning within this control room so that the workers can get inside and try and take control of the cooling system on the reactor in No.3.

There’s also bad news. Officials also said that the damaged reactors 1 and 2 is far worse than they had previously thought. Officials are saying that they believe that there has been more corrosions from seawater than previously expected. 660 workers, we understand, were working on the site from about 6:30 this morning, this Tuesday morning and of course, the main most urgent issue is still trying to get the cooling systems back online for those six reactors.

This is the Interior Ministry what has long been the headquarters of the police state that has helped keep Egypt under control until the revolution transformed everything in this country. Moments ago, this building was in flames. A pillar of smoke that rose over downtown, Cairo and collapsed parts of the building. In the last few minutes we’ve seen military police underground arresting some people, also rushing away one man in an ambulance. This fire erupted within hours of a large peaceful protest in front of these very same walls where thousands of police officers, some of them in civilian clothes, many of them in uniforms, were demonstrating peacefully demanding higher wages.
