听电影学英语-爱是妥协 8(在线收听

  [00:04.64]When can I be up and running in that department? 我几时才能带枪上阵?
  [00:05.92]I think Mr. Midnight needs to stay put for another couple of weeks. 恐怕要再等几个礼拜了
  [00:08.36]-But it won't kill me when I do it, right? -No, it's exercise. It'll be good for you. -但就算做了也不会死吧? -不会,那是运动,对你有好处
  [00:15.64]After a heart attack, rule of thumb is: 心脏病发之后的经验法则是…
  [00:18.32]If you can climb a flight of stairs, you can have sex. 只要能爬一段楼梯 就可以去做爱做的事了
  [00:41.80]So you're saying he can't travel at all? Not even by plane? 他不能远行?搭飞机也不行?
  [00:42.36]So you're saying he can't travel at all? Not even by plane?
  [00:45.64]-Train? -I don't think so. -火车呢? -也不行
  [00:49.84]Been tough, huh? 很难搞吧
  [00:50.24]He fired his nurse after an hour, and now says he doesn't need one. 护士才来一小时就被他赶走 他说不需要护士
  [00:55.80]-He's a bit of a workout. -How are you holding up? -真难搞 -你还好吧?
  [00:57.40]-Me? -You. -我? -你
  [00:59.00]Well, I'm.... 我…
  [01:02.24]I'm fine. Fine. 我很好,很好
  [01:05.88]One more “fine” and I won't believe you. 再说一次“很好” 我就不相信你了
  [01:08.60]Wait, where's my...? 在哪里?
  [01:12.32]-Thank you. -You're welcome. -谢谢 -不客气
  [01:16.28]Hello? 喂?
  [01:22.44]Hi. I know, I'm sorry. I haven't been able to get back. 你好,对不起,稿子还没写好
  [01:29.72]Part of the play takes place in Paris... 有一段是以巴黎为背景
  [01:30.08]...so I keep listening to French music, hoping to get inspired. 所以我听法国音乐 想找些灵感
  [01:37.36]Well, I'm trying. 我在努力
  [01:41.52]It's not exactly flowing out of me yet, but-- 没有文思泉涌,不过…
  [01:47.72]Pick you up around 7? 七点左右来接你?
  [01:52.24]So, what about the patient? 病人怎么办?
  [01:56.92]Like he said, he doesn't need a nurse. 他说不需要护士啊
  [02:19.72]I'm walking around the house! 我在屋里走来走去哦
  [02:26.44]Oh, no. 不会吧
  [02:33.72]-Hi. -Listen... -嗨 -听好…
  [02:36.72]...I've decided to get over the “you saw me naked” thing. 我决定忘了 “你看到我脱光光”那档事
  [02:37.00]-So let's not deal with it anymore. -Good... -所以就别再提了吧 -太好了
  [02:42.08]...because I have been hiding from you all day. 害我整天都在躲你
  [02:44.84]Do you want to come in? 你要不要进来?
  [02:48.92]I don't want to break your rhythm or anything. 我不想打扰你写稿或做其他事
  [02:51.52]That would be wishful thinking. 那是你一厢情愿的想法
  [02:52.08]Nice painting. 好划
  [02:54.20]So I'm gonna venture out there and go for a short walk. 我要出去散散步
  [02:58.68]-You up to that? -My doctor recommended it. -你可以吗? -医生建议的
  [03:01.04]I gotta build up to climbing stairs and stuff like that. 我得要养精蓄锐爬楼梯 诸如此类的事
  [03:06.24]You wouldn't want to join me? 你不会想陪我去吧?
  [03:09.32]-That means you don't want me to? -No. I was asking if you wanted to. -你的意思是不要我陪吗? -不是,我是问你想不想去
  [03:14.60]I would, but I don't like to break once I start writing, so I shouldn't. 我很想,但我一写稿就停不了 还是算了吧
  [03:19.44]Not that a little fresh air would hurt. 但呼吸点新鲜空气也不赖
  [03:22.52]It's just a walk, Erica, not a marriage proposal. 只是散步,爱莉卡 又不是求婚
  [03:27.28]-You know my name. -Erica Jane Barry. -你知道我的名字 -爱莉卡珍贝瑞
  [03:31.08]I looked you up on the lnternet. 我上网查了你的资料
  [03:37.96]Do you know that there are over 8000 websites that mention you? 你知不知道关于你的网站 有八千多个?
  [03:42.20]-That's not possible. -Yeah, it's true. -不可能啦 -是真的
  [03:44.28]I know everything about you now, and not because of last night. 我现在对你瞭若指掌了 不是因为脱光光事件
  [03:48.84]Yeah, no, no. I understood. 没关系,我懂你的意思
  [03:51.04]-Actually, I looked you up too. -You did? -我实际上也查了你的资料 -真的吗?
  [03:56.24]I know you grew up in L.A., which I thought nobody did. 你生长在洛杉矶 我还以为洛杉矶都是外地人
  [03:57.84]You started your own record label at 29, very impressive. 你二十九岁就自创唱片公司 了不起
  [04:01.08]Sold it at 40, even more impressive. 四十岁卖掉了,更了不起
  [04:04.24]Then you started a magazine, dabbled in the lnternet... 然后创办杂志,踏入网路业
  [04:07.64]...and then you invested in a small record company... 投资一家小唱片公司
  [04:10.52]...which you turned into the second largest hip-hop label in the world. 拓展为全球第二大嘻哈舞曲发行商
  [04:16.12]-It's exhausting just hearing about it. -Yeah, I know. I know, but.... -光是听你说就很费神 -我知道,不过…
  [04:22.24]The truth is, it goes by fast, doesn't it? 岁月不留人,对吧?
  [04:25.92]-Like the blink of an eye. -Yeah. -一眨眼就过去了 -是啊
  [04:29.24]Look at this. 你看这个
  [04:36.28]I notice that you have bowls of those all over your house. 你屋里到处都是装满石头的罐子
  [04:38.88]It's so crazy, I know. But I just think they're beautiful. 疯了,我知道 但我觉得很漂亮
  [04:43.36]But why do you only pick up the white ones? 为何只捡白色的石头?
  [04:47.64]I don't pick up only the white ones. 我才没只捡白色的石头
  [04:48.52]So you really are crazy. 你真的疯了
  [04:51.72]I know. I only pick up the white ones. Oh, God. 我真的只捡白色石头耶,天哪
  [04:58.56]What does that mean? That I'm controlling? 那是什么意思? 支配欲强?
  [05:00.96]Unadventurous? What? 没冒险精神?怎样?
