听电影学英语-爱是妥协 14(在线收听

  [00:05.00]...after.... 刚做完…
  [00:07.88]Sorry. 抱歉
  [00:08.28]So where do you like to eat in Paris? 你去巴黎想在哪儿吃饭?
  [00:12.96]I love this bistro called The Grand Colbert. 我很喜欢有家叫葛兰考伯的餐厅
  [00:14.08]It's behind the Palais-Royal. It's the best roast chicken in the universe. 在皇家宫殿后面 那里的烤鸡超好吃的
  [00:21.12]You'd be fun to go to Paris with. 跟你去巴黎一定很好玩
  [00:24.68]It is the best city to stay up all night in. 那是最适合玩通宵的城市
  [00:27.68]Hey, when is your birthday? 你几时生日?
  [00:28.08]-February. -Well, mine's January. -二月 -我是一月
  [00:32.08]So how about if we still know each other by then, we go to Paris... 到时候我们若还有来往
  [00:34.52]...for our birthdays, huh? 就一起去巴黎庆生
  [00:38.92]Maybe. 或许吧
  [00:42.96]You just said-- You know something, I have no idea how to do this. 你刚才说,我不知道该怎么做
  [00:46.44]I don't know how to be intimate but not intimate. 我不知道该如何保持 有点亲密又不太亲密的关系
  [00:54.32]The color is draining from your face. 你的脸色愈来愈苍白了
  [00:58.92]Okay, I'm gonna pee, take one of your blood-pressure pills... 我要去尿尿,把降血压药吃了吧
  [01:03.24]...and when I get back, let's not talk anymore. 等我回来就别再聊了
  [01:08.40]Erica. 爱莉卡
  [01:11.32]You're the funniest girl I ever had sex with. 我没和你这么有趣的女人上过床
  [01:16.40]Well, that's something. 那我还算特别嘛
  [01:22.24]Honey. 亲爱的
  [01:23.92]I think I should go back to my room. 我要回房间去了
  [01:26.12]-Let you get some sleep. -Let me sleep? -让你好好睡一觉 -让我睡一觉?
  [01:30.20]Yeah. 是啊
  [01:34.36]Right. 对喔
  [01:36.64]You usually send the girls home. 你习惯把女孩打发回家
  [01:41.52]But I am home. 但这是我家
  [01:42.84]-Okay. -Well, I'm an old dog, you know? -好吧 -狗改不了吃屎
  [01:45.12]Hey. 喂
  [01:47.80]It's perfectly-- Whatever. 这样很…随你便
  [01:58.84]This was.... 今晚…
  [02:04.68]This was... 今晚…
  [02:06.76]...a great night... 很愉快
  [02:11.36]...for me. 对我来说
  [02:11.64]献给我的父亲 艾文麦尔斯1902-2002
  [02:18.04]Me too. 我也有同感
  [02:19.24]Yeah? 真的吗?
  [02:22.68]At one point... 有一刻…
  [02:24.20]...I even thought... 我甚至觉得…
  [02:30.72]...soul mates. 我们是心灵伴侣
  [03:33.48]I'd like to try sleeping with you. 我想试看看和你一起睡
  [04:37.36]Oh, my God! 天哪
  [04:40.28]Hi. 早啊
  [04:44.16]What time do you think it is? 现在几点了?
  [04:58.76]Can you see this? 你看得见吗?
