听电影学英语-杯酒人生 13(在线收听

  [00:10.98](Screen Door Opens, Closes)
  [00:19.82](Exhales) God, you are such a fuckin' loser. 天啊,你真是个他妈的胆小鬼
  [00:21.30]You make me so fuckin' sick. 你让我觉得恶心
  [00:25.10](Groaning) Oh, God. Ah, come on.
  [00:47.14]Hi. -你好 -我来喝点水
  [00:49.14]- I was just getting some water. - Okay.
  [00:51.42]- You want some water? - No. 你想喝些水吗?
  [00:53.94]Okay. It's getting kind of late. 现在有点晚了
  [01:05.46]I should really go. 我真的该走了
  [01:08.54](Puts Glass Down)
  [01:36.66]So you know how to get to the Windmill? Two rights and a left. 去风车旅馆,右转两次 左转一次
  [01:40.94]- Got it. - Okay. -知道了 -好
  [01:43.22]I had a nice time tonight, Miles. I really did. 我今天很开心,麦斯,真的
  [01:49.06]- Okay. Well, I'll see you around then. - Um... 那再见了
  [01:55.78]Did you still want to read my novel? 你还想看我的小说吗?
  [01:56.82]Oh, yeah. Of course. 是,当然
  [02:08.66]- Great. - Just a sec. -太好了 -等一下
  [02:13.62]- Here. - Oh, wow. -天啊 -我希望你会喜欢
  [02:16.22]Well, I hope you like it.
  [02:22.86]Okay. 好
  [02:25.78]- Well, good night, Miles. - Good night. -晚安,麦斯 -晚安
  [02:36.58](Car Door Closes)
  [02:47.66]④④(Cell Phone Chiming) (星期二)
  [02:51.82]- (Moans) - ④④(Chiming Continues)
  [03:11.18]④④ (Chiming) (克莉丝汀)
  [03:14.18]Oh, fuck. (新语音留言)
  [03:26.42](Groans) Oh, fuck.
  [03:31.78]- (Rings) - (Loud Grunt)
  [03:37.62]- (Miles Sighs) - (Ringing Continues)
  [03:43.22](Engine Rumbling)
  [03:48.86]That fucking chick is unbelievable, dude. Unbelievable! 那妞真是不可思议
  [03:53.54]Whoo! Boy.
  [03:57.02]Ohh, she is nasty, Miles. 她好淫荡,麦斯
  [03:58.90]Nasty, nasty, nasty.! 淫荡
  [04:02.70]- Well, I'm glad you got it out of your system. - Yeah, baby. 我很高兴你终于能一吐为快了
  [04:06.66]Congratulations. Mission accomplished. -是,宝贝 -恭喜,任务成功了
  [04:10.66](Engine Rumbling)
  [04:13.34]Oh, hi, Miles! -你好,麦斯 -你好
  [04:18.38]- (Toilet Flushing) - Hey, you didn't invite Stephanie to come with us, did you? 你不会也约了她和我们一起吧?
  [04:20.66]Oh, listen, man. Change of plans. 听着,计划有变动
  [04:22.90]Stephanie's off today, so, you know, I'm thinkin' about goin' on a hike. 史黛芬妮今天不用上班 所以我们想去爬山
  [04:27.22]We were supposed to play golf. 我们不是要打高尔夫球吗?
  [04:28.22]You know what? You go, man. You go. In fact, use my clubs. 你去好了,兄弟
  [04:29.98]用我的球杆,全新的 是克莉丝汀爸爸给的礼物
  [04:33.10]- They're brand-new. They were a gift from Christine's dad. - (Disgusted Sigh)
  [04:36.50]Here, I'll pay for it. Right there. 来,我来付钱
  [04:37.78]And then later, the three of us, we can go to The Hitching Post. 晚一点 我们三个可以去驿站餐馆
  [04:42.38]We could sit at one of Maya's tables. 坐犸雅的桌子 然后她会拿好酒给我们
  [04:44.66]She'll bring us some great wine, you know? 之后,我们四个还可以 做些什么活动
  [04:46.94]- Then the four of us will do something. - No. Count me out. 不,别算我的份
  [04:48.94]Oh, I see. 我了解
  [04:52.58]Didn't go so great last night, huh? What a shocker. 昨晚不是很好,真是令人惊讶
  [04:54.66]You mean getting drunk and calling Victoria didn't put you in the mood? 喝醉打电话给薇朵 没让你心情好点吗?
  [04:59.94]Dumb fuck. 白痴
