听电影学英语-杯酒人生 16(在线收听

  [00:05.90]Oh, you know me. I love it up here. 你知道我,我很喜欢这里 你呢?
  [00:06.70]- How 'bout you? - Busy for a Tuesday night. 星期二晚上很忙 一巴士的老人来葡萄酒之旅
  [00:09.98]We had a busload of old folks on a wine tour.
  [00:15.34]Usually they're not too rowdy, but tonight something was going on. 通常他们不吵闹 但是今晚不太一样
  [00:15.62]I don't know. A full moon or something. Anyway, what can I get you? 可能是满月还是什么,需要什么吗?
  [00:18.86]- Highliner. - Glass or bottle? -海兰诺红酒 -一杯还是整瓶
  [00:24.22]- Bottle. - You got it. 整瓶
  [00:25.42]Say, is, uh, Maya working? 犸雅有来上班吗?
  [00:29.06]Maya? Uh, no, I haven't seen her. 犸雅?我没看到她 也许她今晚休假
  [00:30.66]I think she's off tonight.
  [00:45.90]- You okay, Miles? - Yeah, I'm good. -你还好吗?麦斯 -我很好
  [00:54.22](Chuckles, Snorts)
  [01:26.02]Ah, crap. 狗屎
  [01:28.50]- Did you ever get ahold of Maya yesterday? - Nope. -你昨天有联络到犸雅吗?
  [01:33.82]- Hmm? - No. 她真的很喜欢你 史黛芬妮会跟你说的
  [01:35.86]She really likes you, man. Stephanie'll tell you.
  [01:37.94]- Could you just give me a little room? Please? - Yeah. 你可以给我一点空间吗?杰克 谢谢
  [01:39.86]Thank you. 在现实生活中,打铁要趁热
  [01:41.86]In life, you gotta strike while the iron's hot. Iron is hot.
  [01:47.14]Sage advice, Jack. -铁热了 -睿智的建言,杰克
  [01:49.10]- Now, remember, sit back on your heels. - Mm-hmm. 记住,力量放在脚跟 运用腹肌的扭力
  [01:51.46]All right? Turn through the abdomen.
  [01:56.34]Abdomen. -腹肌 -可恶
  [01:57.62]- (Grunts) Oh, for cryin'... - Nice. 不错
  [01:59.54](Jack) What about your agent? You hear anything yet? -你的经纪人有来消息吗? -没有
  [02:03.82]- (Miles) Nope. - What do you think's going on? -你觉得是怎么了? -有太多可能
  [02:06.98]- Could be anything. - You been checking your messages?
  [02:10.26]- Obsessively. - Huh. -你有查看你的留言吗? -不停的查
  [02:12.34]Guess I'll just have to learn to kiss off another three years of my life. 我想我又得向我 浪费的三年说再见
  [02:15.86]But you haven't heard anything yet... 但是你还没得到消息
  [02:16.10]so don't you think your negativity's a little premature? 你会不会太早开始沮丧了?
  [02:21.78]Hmm? All right. You know, fuck the New York publishers. 去他的纽约出版商
  [02:25.78]Publish it yourself, Miles. I'll chip in. 你自己出版,麦斯,我也会出钱 把书给出了
  [02:27.06]Just get it out there. Get it reviewed. 让书评看看,让它进入图书馆 让大众来打分数
  [02:29.82]Get it in libraries. Let the public decide.
  [02:39.62]Don't come over the top. 别太浮躁
  [02:42.18]- Stay still. - Shut up. -不要动 -闭嘴
  [02:46.38]It's all about stillness. 重点就是静止不动
  [02:48.22]- Inner quiet. - Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! -内心的宁静 -闭嘴…
  [02:50.34]Jesus Christ, man! What the hell is wrong with you? 我的老天,你到底是什么毛病? 请你闭嘴
  [02:52.98]Please, just shut up! Fuck!
  [02:54.82]-去你的 -为什么要那么火爆?
  [02:56.70]- God. - What's with the hostility, man?
  [03:00.34]I know you're a little frustrated with your life right now... 我知道你现在对生活有些焦虑
  [03:01.98]- but you can choose to be less hostile. - (Chuckling) 但是你可以不必那么有敌意
  [03:10.62]The fucker hit into us. 那些混蛋追上来了
  [03:12.02](Shouting) Hurry it up, will ya? 快一点,好不好?
  [03:17.10]Oh, boy. Oh, boy. -糟糕了… -那很差劲,混蛋们
  [03:18.86]Hey, that's not cool, asshole!
  [03:22.06](Clears Throat)
  [03:36.46](Jack) Nice shot. Jackoffs. -打得好 -那些废物
  [03:36.74]- What the hell are you doing? - Oops. Look out. 你在搞什么东西?
  [03:44.30]Uh? Uh-huh.
  [03:46.78]Oh. Oh, check it out. 看看他们
  [03:49.70]- This is gonna be fun. This is gonna be fun. - Go to it. 这太有趣了…
  [04:02.58]Just don't give up on Maya. Cool, smart chicks like that require persistence. 别放弃犸雅 那种好妞需要持久力
  [04:04.86]I don't wanna talk about it, please. 我不想聊这件事,拜托
  [04:09.14]All I know is that she's beautiful, a lot of soul. 我只知道她很美 又有内涵,她很适合你
  [04:11.06]She's perfect for you. 如果你们不开始交往 我这个礼拜就不开心
  [04:13.34]I'm just not gonna feel good about this week until I know you guys have hooked up.
  [04:17.82]Don't you want to feel that cozy little box grip down on your johnson? 你不想要让你的弟弟 有个好归宿吗?
  [04:21.18]Hey! Mind keeping it down, buddy? 你们小声一点好吗?
  [04:24.06]A woman finds out how I live... 如果她了解了我的生活 知道我不是个出版作家
  [04:24.94]that I'm not a published author, that I'm a liar, essentially... 我是个说谎者
  [04:29.82]any interest she has is gonna evaporate real quick. 那时她对我那一点点兴趣 就会很快的烟消云散
  [04:38.42]You're just a pasture animal waiting for the abattoir. 你是一只牧场的动物 就等着进屠宰场
  [04:41.26]- Abattoir. What is that? - Slaughterhouse. 屠宰场,那是什么?
  [04:44.34]-屠宰动物的地方 -屠宰场
  [04:45.54]Abattoir. Huh. But you know what?
