听电影学英语-拜见岳父大人 05(在线收听

  [00:02.72]You prefer an emotionally shallow animal? 你宁愿要感情肤浅的动物?
  [00:02.88]You need that assurance, do you? 你也需要那种感觉,对吧?
  [00:07.32]I... 我...
  [00:07.48]When you yell at a dog, his tail goes between his legs 阿基,当你骂一只狗时
  [00:10.52]and covers his genitals, his ears go down. 它会夹着尾巴,垂着耳朵
  [00:13.76]A dog is easy to break. But cats make you work for their affection. 狗很容易受打击 可猫有主动性
  [00:17.52]They don't sell out like dogs. 它们不像狗那样摇尾乞怜
  [00:28.76]You like Peter, Paul, and Mary? 你喜欢听彼得、保罗、玛莉?
  [00:32.16]Yes, I do. I'm a big fan. 喜欢,我是他们的歌迷
  [00:37.32]∮ Puff, the magic dragon
  [00:39.80]∮ Lived by the sea... ∮
  [00:44.96]Yeah. One of my favorites. 对,我最喜欢的一首
  [00:49.04]Who would've thought it wasn't really about a dragon, huh? 谁会想到这不是真写龙的歌?
  [00:52.96]What do you mean? 什么意思?
  [00:55.84]You know, the whole drug thing. 你知道,关于毒品的传说
  [01:01.48]No, I don't know. Why don't you tell me? 我不知道,你告诉我吧
  [01:04.76]Some people, uh... 有些人...
  [01:05.56]think that... 认为...
  [01:09.04]To "puff the magic dragon" means... “那条喷烟魔龙”是指...
  [01:10.32]they're really... Erm... 其实是指...
  [01:16.80]To smoke a...smoke... 吸毒...
  [01:18.72]..a marijuana cigarette. 吸大麻烟
  [01:22.00]Well, Puff's just the name of the boy's magical dragon. 可是“喷烟” 只是那魔龙的名字
  [01:26.76]Right. 对
  [01:30.52]- Are you a pot head, Focker? - No! No. What? - 你吸大麻吗,发先生? - 不吸!什么?
  [01:33.92]No, no, no, Jack. No, I'm...I'm not. I... 不,杰克...我不...
  [01:37.36]I pass on grass...all the time. 有人给,我都拒绝了
  [01:41.44]I mean not all the time... 也不是每次都...
  [01:42.52]- Yes or no? - No. Yes. No. - 是还是不是? - 不是,对,不是
  [01:51.60]Greg, I'll meet you out front in about...12 to 15 minutes. 阿基...十二到十五分钟后 我在门外等你
  [01:56.28]Ok. 好
  [02:11.48]<font size=18 color=#4096d1>鸡尾酒
  [02:15.52]Hey. Hi. 嗨,你好
  [02:17.32]- Hey. - Hi. - 你好 - 嗨
  [02:17.44]Do you have any nicotine patches? 你们有没有尼古丁贴?
  [02:22.72]No. We have the gum. 没有,我们有口香糖
  [02:29.16]Thank you. And what's your most expensive bottle of champagne? 你们这里最贵的香槟是哪种?
  [02:34.32]Mumm's. It's on sale for $13.95. 母亲牌,十三块九五一瓶
  [02:35.52]That's it? You don't have a nice $80 or $100 bottle or something? 就这种? 没有八十或一百块的吗?
  [02:43.00]You can get a whole bunch of Mumm's. 你可以多买几瓶嘛
  [03:21.44]Rough and ready, yeah. They ran out of Collins mix. 可以了,没有那种鸡尾酒了
  [03:21.76]- Focker? - Jack. Ready to go? - 发先生? - 杰克,可以走了吗?
  [03:29.52]You been waiting long? 你等了好久吗?
  [03:30.08]No! I was just reading up about... 没有,我只是在看...
  [03:33.88]..pumps. Pumps? - 挤奶泵 - 挤奶泵?
  [03:38.64]Yes. Breast pumps. 对,挤奶泵
  [03:43.84]I grew up on a farm. 我是在农场长大的
  [03:53.88]Get your hot buns. Hot patooties. 来吃热面包啦
  [03:53.96]Wow, Dina, everything looks fabulous. 哇,迪娜,好丰富啊
  [03:56.32]It's such a treat to have a home-cooked meal like this. 能吃到这种家常饭菜 真是好福气
  [04:01.20]Dinner at my house meant fighting over containers of Chinese food. 我家吃饭通常是 抢夺外卖的中餐
  [04:04.20]Oh, you poor thing! There wasn't enough food to go around? 真可怜!够吃的吗?
  [04:10.96]No, there was. We just never really sat down like a family like this. 够了,只是我们 从没这样坐下来吃饭
  [04:18.08]Uh, well, Greg's Jewish, Dad. You know that. 阿基是犹太人,爸,你知道
  [04:20.92]You're telling me the Jews don't pray, honey? 你是说犹太人吃饭不祈祷?
  [04:25.56]Unless you have some objection? 除非你反对
  [04:27.96]No, no, no. I'd love to. 不,我喜欢祈祷
  [04:29.96]Pam, it's not like I'm a rabbi or something. 我又不是教士
  [04:30.16]I've said grace at many... a dinner table. 我在很多晚餐上...祈祷过
  [04:43.44](Greg) Ok. 好
  [04:48.92]Oh...dear God... 亲爱的上帝...
  [04:54.12]Thank you. 感谢你
  [04:57.16]You are such a good God to us. A kind and gentle and... 你对我们这么好 慈悲、温柔...
