听电影学英语-天气预报员 02(在线收听

  [00:03.40]l let them know what they have to deal with. 我向大家播报天气情况
  [00:06.08]But listen, these warmer temperatures are not going to last. 但是请注意, 这个回暖的气温不会持续多久
  [00:08.68]This wind system will keep pushing colder air across the Midwest.... 风力将推动着冷空气横跨中西部地区
  [00:12.72]But they don't, really. 其实他们错了
  [00:12.76]l guess that's why they think they know me. 我想这就是为什么 他们自以为认识我
  [00:15.04]...our Spritz Nipper of the week with a high of just 24. ....最冈银温华氏24度 感谢收看斯普里兹一周天气节目
  [00:18.64]l'm not a hill of beans. 我不是一无是处
  [00:21.40]l have a plan. 我有自己的想法
  [00:25.68]Okay, see you then. 好吧, 到时候见
  [00:27.08]-Where? -Chicago Dance. -哪里? -芝加哥舞蹈学校
  [00:27.28]-What's this afternoon? -You're picking up Shelly. -下午的安排是什么? -你要去接雪丽.
  [00:30.52]Then you're taking your dad to Northwestern. 然后接你父亲去西北医院
  [00:31.96]At 3:00? 三点?
  [00:32.64]Do you have that Hello America stuff? 你拿了那份"你好美国"节目寄来的东西吗?
  [00:34.80]-The letter? -Yeah. -那封信? -是的
  [00:38.92]You have Mike, too. 5:30 at the Norris house. 你还要在5:30到诺李斯去接迈克
  [00:39.16]Okay. 好的
  [00:57.76]Do they have my cell phone? 他们有我的电话吗?
  [00:59.76]Well, they should have all the numbers in case. 他们应该把所有电话号码都备案的
  [01:04.36]And am l supposed to call that guy Dersen? 我是不是应该给那个叫德尔讯的打电话?
  [01:05.72]Didn't he want me to call to touch base? 他不要我和他联系吗?
  [01:09.24]Okay. 好吧
  [01:10.40]-Dad, can we stop here? -What for? -爸, 我们能在这儿停下吗? -干嘛?
  [01:16.36]l need a notebook for school. 我要买本笔记本
  [01:21.16]l'll just walk home. 我自己走回家
  [01:24.32]Okay. 好吧
  [01:28.32]-Can l have some money? -You don't have any? -能给我些钱吗? -你身上没钱?
  [01:29.10]No. 没有
  [01:31.56]You're 12 years old. 你已经12岁了
  [01:33.08]You shouldn't be walking around without money, okay, Shelly? 你应该身上带一些钱, 好吗, 雪丽?
  [01:35.24]You're not a kid. 你不再是孩子了
  [01:38.36]-How's your mom doing? -She's good. -你妈妈怎么样? -她很好
  [01:47.00]Can l have a pack of Lights? 我能要一包烟吗?
  [01:51.24]-Regulars? -The 100s. -普通香烟? -100牌的.
  [01:58.04]Strikes? 火柴有吗?
  [02:28.44]How's Shelly? 雪丽怎么样?
  [02:30.76]She's doing great. 她很好
  [02:33.52]-Little angel. -Yeah. -小天使 -是的
  [02:35.40]She's doing great. 她非常好
  [02:36.36]-Who's an angel? -Shelly. -谁是天使? -雪丽
  [02:39.76]Shelly is grossly overweight and unhappy. 雪丽已经过分超重, 而且并不快乐
  [02:42.64]l'm concerned about her, as l am Michael. 我很挂念她和迈克
  [02:47.12]-David. -Yeah, Dad. -戴维, 走吧 -好的, 爸
  [03:17.68]Robert Spritzel? 罗伯特.斯普里泽?
  [03:22.00]Would you get me a paper... 你能在回来的路上....
  [03:24.40]-for the way back, Son? -Yeah. ..给我买一张报纸吗, 儿子? -好的
  [03:27.08]Fifteen minutes? 15分种?
  [03:27.88]Yes. l'll see you then. 好, 到时候见
  [03:39.20]Fuck. 该死
  [03:40.88]-Hey. -Hey. 嘿
  [03:44.28]-lt's getting cold. -Yeah. -已经变冷了 -是的
  [03:45.76]-What's the Nipper this week? -Thursday. -这个礼拜的节目星期几? -星期四
  [03:50.08]Thursday's the Nipper? All right. 星期四?好的
  [04:01.68]Here. 给你
  [04:05.08]Yeah, can l get some change? 我能换些零钱吗?
  [04:08.96]Not really. 恐怕不行
  [04:09.72]Can l just get some quarters? l just need a quarter for a paper. 我能换点硬币吗? 我需要买张报纸
  [04:14.52]Not really. 不行
  [04:16.00]All right. l'll get something then. 好吧, 我买点东西
  [04:20.04]All right. 看看
  [04:25.04]Small coffee. 小杯咖啡
  [04:29.12]No, it says $0.72. 上面明明写着0.72美元
  [04:32.32]After the whole everything, it's $0.80. 反正就是0.80美分
  [04:41.52]-Hey. -Hi. 嗨
  [04:43.32]Where's the paper, David? 报纸呢, 戴维?
  [04:44.84]l didn't have enough money. 我的钱不够了
  [04:47.32]You bought a coffee. 可你买了一杯咖啡
  [04:51.20]-What? -You bought a coffee. -什么? -你买了杯咖啡
  [04:54.28]Yeah, that, and then l didn't have enough money after. 对, 没错, 所以就没钱了
  [04:58.52]What? 什么?
  [05:00.64]l didn't have enough money after l bought the coffee, so.... 我的钱不够了, 因为买了这杯咖啡
