听电影学英语-天气预报员 15(在线收听

  [00:09.26]And then the power went out. 就在这时候停电了
  [00:23.58]Then, when the lights came back on in 40 minutes... 然后,当40分钟后灯光重新亮起...
  [00:26.78]everyone had pretty much forgotten that l was talking... 大家都忘记了我要致词...
  [00:32.58]and we never finished that part of the thing. 于是这部分仪式也就不了了之
  [00:36.62]So my speech was, "When l think of my dad... 所以我的致词就是: 每当我想到爸爸...
  [00:38.82]"l think of Bob Seger's Like a Rock.'' 我就会想起鲍勃·西格的《宛若山岩》
  [00:45.06]That's all l said at my dad's living funeral... 这就是我在爸爸的生前葬礼上 作的全部发言...
  [00:47.18]something about Bob Seger. 一句关于鲍勃·西格的话
  [01:08.26]You've reached 272-7638. Please leave a message. 您拨通的是272-7638。请留言
  [01:13.70]Dave, it's Mark Dersen from Hello America. 戴维,我是"你好美国"节目的 马克.德尔讯
  [01:19.06]Can you give me a call back? l called a couple of times Friday... 可以给我回个电话吗? 星期五我打来好几次...
  [01:20.94]and l'm wondering why you haven't called me back. 不知道为什么你没回电
  [01:25.82]lf l need to move down on my list, look, l need to know. Okay? 假如我必须考虑名单上的候补人选 请你给我个准信。好吗?
  [01:27.70]lt's not "Hello, you know, whatever, Orlando." 这可不是开玩笑
  [01:30.50]Look. l'm still jacked about you, Dave. 我还是非常希望你来干,戴维
  [01:35.46]l just need to hear from you. Give me a call. 只要你给我个答复就行 给我回电吧
  [01:47.58]Your phone's ringing. 你的手机响了
  [01:50.38]l know. 我知道
  [01:55.14]Why aren't you getting it? 为什么你不接?
  [02:00.94]lt's the Bryant Gumbel thing. 是布莱恩特 甘宝的那件事
  [02:03.38]So why aren't you getting it? 那你为什么不接?
  [02:07.98]Did you bring that stuff? 你把那东西拿来了吗?
  [02:09.10]lt's by the door. 就在门边
  [02:17.70]You should get it. 你应该接电话的
  [02:31.82]Fuck. 操
  [02:33.74]lt was a McDonald's hot apple pie. 这是麦当劳的香辣苹果派
  [02:36.62]They're not kidding. 他们没有骗人
  [02:39.30]lt was hot. 确实很辣
  [03:05.02]The other thing that gets to people... 我想,导致人们扔馅饼的...
  [03:07.74]that leads to pies, l guess... 另一个原因是...
  [03:12.70]are these catch phrases we're required to use... 我们为了让节目吸引人.
  [03:13.30]to single the program out. 而使用的那些广告词
  [03:15.66]lt gets under people's skin. 它会把人惹火
  [03:17.94]Spritz Nipper. 斯普里兹大钳
  [03:26.90]But the whole thing about all of it... 但是归根结底...
  [03:29.18]all the getting hit with stuff... 说到被人扔东西...
  [03:31.26]the whole thing is, who gets hit with a fucking pie, anyway? 最关键的是:什么样的人会被馅饼扔到?
  [03:33.58]Did anyone ever throw a pie at Thomas Jefferson? 有人朝托马斯·杰弗逊扔过馅饼吗?
  [03:35.98]Or Buzz Aldrin? l doubt it. 巴兹·奥尔德林*呢?我想没有 (*第二位登上月球的宇航员)
  [03:38.94]But this is like the ninth time l got.... 可我好像已经是第九次被扔....
  [03:41.34]Clowns get hit with pies. 小丑才会被馅饼扔到
  [03:57.94]-Fuck! -l'm Mike's father! Here's your shit! -操! -我是迈克的父亲!这是你的狗屁东西!
  [04:08.74]l saw you buy this at the mall on North Avenue! 我看见你在北方大道的商场买的!
  [04:12.22]And l'm telling the cops, too! 我也会这么跟警察说!
  [04:13.70]So you can cut your crap about Mike jacking your wallet! 所以你趁早收回那些屁话! 迈克才没偷你的钱包!
  [04:23.58]He's just a kid. See! 他还是个孩子。明白吗!
  [04:24.54]He looks grown, but he's just a kid! 他个头挺大,可还是个孩子!
  [04:29.82]You fucking asshole. 你这混账王八蛋
  [04:37.62]l mean, l'll bet no one ever threw a pie at, like... 我敢打赌,从来没人拿馅饼砸过...
  [04:39.38]Harriet Tubman, the founder of the Underground Railroad. “地下铁道”*的创建人哈丽特·塔布曼 (*帮助黑奴逃出南方的秘密渠道)
  [04:43.14]l'll bet you a million fucking dollars. 我敢跟你赌一百万美元
