听电影学英语-一个美国新娘的自白 07(在线收听

  [00:01.72]Of course I still want your help, Mom. 我当然需要你的帮助啊
  [00:05.24]Look, I gotta go. Bye. 我要出去了, 再见
  [00:11.88]Welcome to Big Bride, and welcome to Brenda. 欢迎收看<胖新娘> 欢迎Brenda小姐
  [00:12.08]Brenda, how can we help? Brenda, 你需要些什么帮助呢?
  [00:13.84]Before you say anything, these are baked potato chips. 不用说了, 肯定又是烤薯片
  [00:20.72]Is it wrong of me to take pleasure in another girl's failure? 我不应该把自己的快乐 建立在这女孩的痛苦上的
  [00:23.28]Wait a second, that girl's not fat! 等等, 她并不肥啊!
  [00:25.68]She wants to lose 16 pounds and 6 percent body fat in the next six weeks. 她想在接下来的6个星期里 减掉16磅和6%的脂肪
  [00:30.88]How, by cutting off her arm? 怎么可能, 把她的手臂砍下来?
  [00:31.76]But if Samantha Hoyt keeps eating those potato chips... 如果Sam继续狂吃薯片的话
  [00:36.92]...she's going to experience a significant butt explosion. 就有可能把裤子撑爆
  [00:41.68]Sam? Sam?
  [00:47.48]- So, hey, look... - Hi. - 嗯, 我... - Hi
  [00:48.04]...l'm sorry I snapped at you. 很抱歉那样对你
  [00:51.76]Apology accepted. 接受你的道歉
  [00:54.40]- And the other stuff... - Don't worry about it. - 其它事情... - 别管了
  [00:56.04]I'm not apologizing for the other stuff. 我要道歉的是...
  [00:57.20]Yeah, we had some disagreements. It's gonna happen again. 我们刚才只是争执了一下 这些事可能还会发生
  [01:02.36]We both just, you know, have to give a little... 我们只要都做点让步
  [01:04.68]...not let the stress rip us apart. 事情就不会闹僵了
  [01:09.44]I'm not stressed. I'm totally relaxed. 没事, 我没放在心上
  [01:12.80]Sam, I saw the potato chips. Sam, 我看到薯片了
  [01:16.28]Give and take, Sam. 互相谦让
  [01:17.08]That's all we gotta do, right? Give and take. 我们应该这样做, 对吗? 互相谦让
  [01:21.88]Ben was right, in theory. 理论上他是对的
  [01:22.76]But in practice, the thing with give and take is... 事实上, 互相谦让
  [01:26.72]Add that to the stress of moving in together. 同居后更加难做到
  [01:26.92]...oftentimes, no one winds up happy. 并不是那么轻易做到
  [01:29.64]Know what you get? More, not less, tension. 听懂了吗? 没缓解反而更紧张
  [01:35.60]- Ben, the drain's stopped up. - Yeah. - Ben, 排水管塞了 - 知道
  [01:40.92]Ben? Ben?
  [01:42.92]It's probably clogged with hair. 可能被头发塞住了
  [01:51.88]Sam, there's hair everywhere. The same thing happened in the shower. Sam, 到处都是头发 浴室也是
  [01:54.24]- I'm sorry. - It's okay. I can fix this. - 对不起 - 好了, 我会修好的
  [01:59.16]Do you know how? 你知道怎么修吗?
  [02:02.12]We'll save the hundred bucks we'd have spent on the plumber... 总不能花上百美金请修理工吧
  [02:02.92]Of course I do. 当然懂了
  [02:05.28]...and get that fondue set we can't live without. 还不如省下来买奶酪 没有奶酪我们就活不了
  [02:09.88]Stone wanted a dry run of my ad presentation to the company, ASAP. Stone让我尽快演习一下 给那客户的广告
  [02:15.92]So the kitchen was quickly converted into my makeshift home office. 因此厨房就成了我的临时办公室
  [02:21.48]The pipes are fixed. 排水管修好啦
  [02:25.20]Thanks. 谢谢
  [02:26.80]So, look, it's been a long day. 你今天忙很久了
  [02:29.04]Why don't you come to bed. 上床睡觉吧
  [02:29.56]I just... I need to finish this. 嗯... 我要把这些都干完
  [02:34.84]- It'll be here in the morning. - Yeah, but I have to review. - 它们不会跑掉的 - 知道, 但我一定要再看一遍
  [02:37.60]Come on. You've been at this for hours. 来吧, 都搞几个小时了
  [02:42.60]You need the rest. We both do. 你现在需要休息, 我们都需要
  [02:43.48]Oh, I miss this. 真令人怀恋
  [02:45.76]Ben can be comforting when he tries. Ben有时真的很体贴
  [02:50.56]Come on. 来吧
  [02:56.32]So all I'm saying is, it wouldn't hurt to have a few dance lessons. 我跟你说 学一下跳舞并不会有什么害处
  [03:01.36]You think we need them? 真的需要学吗?
  [03:03.96]Of course, the next morning, things were back to normal. 当然, 明天开始要恢复以前那样
  [03:05.72]I'd love to learn how to waltz. 我想学一下华尔兹舞
  [03:08.40]Yeah, but when will we have time? 好吧, 那什么时候有空呢?
  [03:11.60]- Saturday mornings. - Saturday? - 星期六早上 - 星期六?
  [03:14.20]You wanna give up one of your sleep-in days... 放弃一个难得的睡懒觉机会
  [03:17.28]...for a dance that no one will remember? 就为了跳舞, 谁会记得嘛?
  [03:18.44]I'll remember. 我会
  [03:29.68]No, no, no. 不要啊
  [03:32.28]Ben! Ben!
  [03:36.76]Sam. Sam
  [03:39.52]Is it salvageable? 还能救回来啊?
  [03:47.60]Interestingly, the problem was in your bathroom. 真有趣, 问题居然发生在你的浴室
  [03:51.56]Oh, yeah, some hair clogging the drain, huh? 是吗, 是不是一些头发 把排水管堵住了?
  [03:53.84]No, hair wouldn't do this. 不是, 头发堵不了
  [03:54.24]It was the bozo who worked on your pipes last time. 不知是那个家伙拆过排水管
  [04:02.28]- What, $250? - Emergency call. - 什么, 250美元? - 因为是加急的
  [04:06.88]There goes the fondue set. 你的奶酪飞走了
  [04:09.36]Next time, don't play Mr. Fix-lt, call a professional. 下次别自己弄了, 找专业人士吧
  [04:18.40]I think dance lessons might be fun. 学跳舞还不错嘛
  [04:21.40]- So the drain ate your homework, huh? - Well, no, not exactly. - 排水管居然把你的图纸吃掉了? - 啊...不完全是
  [04:25.96]Okay, maybe, but it sounds much lamer than it is. Ok, 可以这么说, 虽然很牵强
  [04:27.12]- Please don't replace me as liaison. - I'm not replacing you. - 别收回我的演示权 - 不会
  [04:31.12]Oh, well, I really appreciate... 真的非常感谢
  [04:32.52]The project director, a Luke Stinson, specifically asked for you. 一个叫Luke Stinson的计划负责人 专门指定要你的
  [04:39.60]Luke Stinson? Luke Stinson?
  [04:45.12]- What? - Nothing. Waiting for your phone to ring. - 干什么? - 没事, 等你的电话响
  [04:51.12]- I shut it off. - Good. So you know this Stinson guy, huh? - 关机了 - 好, 这么说你认识这个Stinson了?
  [04:55.16]Sort of. We went to college together. 算是吧, 我们一起读大学
  [05:00.76]So who's Luke Stinson? 这个Luke Stinson到底是什么人?
