听电影学英语-一个美国新娘的自白 10(在线收听

  [00:02.48]But I'm doing my best. 我已经尽力了
  [00:03.96]Yeah, well, what you call your best I call being difficult. 我对你所谓的尽力很不满意
  [00:06.80]Difficult? You know what difficult is? 不满意? 你知道什么是不满意吗?
  [00:11.32]Difficult is having umpteen phone calls from vendors with wedding questions... 不满意就是接了 无数个询问婚礼的电话
  [00:14.56]Difficult is having to talk about the exact same thing every waking moment. 不满意就是每晚睡前 都要谈论同一个问题
  [00:14.92]...that I can't answer. 但我根本就答复不了
  [00:20.16]I mean, Sam, we still have to have lives. 我们还有很长的日子要过呢
  [00:24.20]Don't put this all on me. 别把一切都推到我身上
  [00:26.80]You think I enjoy coming home to basketball and video games? 难道我就想每次回到家 都看到你看篮球赛和打游戏?
  [00:29.52]Well, I wouldn't be home playing by myself if you weren't always at work... 如果你不是只顾着工作 我会一个人玩吗
  [00:32.76]...doing who knows what. 谁知道你忙什么呢
  [00:36.84]The biggest opportunity of my career has just happened to coincide... 我事业上的转折点
  [00:38.32]...with me coordinating the biggest event of my life. 刚好跟我的婚姻一起来临
  [00:41.60]Can you please try and be sensitive to that? 你不要那么敏感行吗?
  [00:46.48]Fine. 好吧
  [00:49.08]How about I give you one less thing to coordinate? 如果我也这样对待你, 你会怎样?
  [00:57.72]Why couldn't Ben understand that I had to work late? 为什么Ben就不能理解我呢?
  [00:59.80]This was important. It was for... 这真的很重要, 这是...
  [01:03.28]It was for... 这是...
  [01:05.88]What was I saying? 我想说什么呢?
  [01:08.28]How about a break. I'll go pick up some Italian. 休息一下 我去拿点意大利薄饼
  [01:10.36]What do you say? 你要什么?
  [01:13.32]I say Caesar salad, no dressing, and lemon wedges on the side. 我要凯撒色拉, 不要调味料 只要点柠檬片
  [01:18.72]All right, coming up. 好的, 马上来
  [01:39.16]Hey, Sam, I forgot my keys. Sam, 我忘记带钥匙了
  [02:33.64]Hey, Sam. Sam. 嘿, Sam
  [02:33.76]Sam. Sam
  [02:37.76]- What, are you sleeping on the job? - Sorry. - 什么, 居然睡着了? - 不好意思
  [02:40.24]I got the Caesar, and I got the lemons. 凯撒色拉, 还有柠檬
  [02:42.20]- What's wrong? - Nothing. - 什么事? - 没事
  [02:45.68]If it's about work, we can take a break. We got plenty of time. 如果累了就休息一下 我们还有时间
  [02:48.96]Was I glad it was a dream? 我在庆幸是个梦吗?
  [02:51.56]No, it's not that. 不是的
  [02:53.32]Then, what? You can tell me. 到底什么回事? 告诉我吧
  [02:57.72]It's the wedding and everything, and... 是关于婚礼的, 还有其它...
  [03:01.52]- Sorry. - Yeah, me too. - 对不起 - 我也是
  [03:03.20]Come here. 来吧
  [03:25.16]- I'm sorry. - It's okay. - 非常抱歉 - 没事
  [03:28.12]It's all right. I just... 没事的, 只是...
  [03:28.80]I've gotta go. I've gotta go home. 我要走了, 要回家了
  [03:33.48]Yeah, I gotta go home. 真的要回家了
  [03:54.08]- Hey. - I'm sorry. - 嘿 - 对不起
  [03:59.84]For what? 为什么?
  [04:00.04]You know, all the stupid fighting and stuff we've been doing. 因为这些无聊的争吵 还有些鸡毛蒜皮的事
  [04:05.52]No, I'm sorry. 应该是我道歉
  [04:08.40]I shouldn't have walked out on you at the dance lesson. 舞蹈课上我不应该丢下你的
  [04:10.20]It's okay. You don't have to take dance lessons. 没事, 我不会再逼你跳舞了
  [04:13.76]You don't have to do anything you don't wanna do. 我不会再逼你做任何事情
  [04:16.04]I love you. 我爱你
  [04:21.24]I love you too. 我也爱你
  [04:24.68]Okay, let's think. Is it that big of a deal? What really happened? Ok, 我们想想, 这是不是个交易呢? 到底怎么回事呢?
  [04:26.80]I caught myself. I controlled my urges. 我控制住了, 控制了自己的欲望
  [04:29.36]Maybe I should be proud of myself. 我应该感到骄傲
  [04:33.72]Or maybe I should be proud of my ability to rationalize. 或者说为自己的掩饰感到骄傲
  [04:39.32]I am so glad that we are finally able to all get together. 很高兴我们最终还是坐在一起了
  [04:43.60]I think having a solid blueprint for a ceremony... 只要在婚礼上达成共识
  [04:45.96]...will help us all sleep better at night. 大家就会有好觉睡了
  [04:48.48]It's gonna take more than that in my case, Reverend. 事实上没有这么简单
  [04:49.32]Since the heart of our ceremony is the exchange of vows... 我们的婚礼重点是互相宣誓
  [04:54.80]...and in the Jewish ceremony, it's the exchange of rings... 犹太婚礼的重点是交换戒指
  [04:58.96]...things should, theoretically, dovetail nicely. 理论上是能衔接好的
