听电影学英语-楚门的世界 15(在线收听

  [00:02.48]... Trumania of the Burbank galaxy. 伯班银河系的楚门星
  [00:08.96]- ls he gonna go? - Hallway camera ready. -他要出门了吗? -走廊摄影机
  [00:13.76]- That one's for free.  免费表演
  [00:14.44]- Stand by, all house cameras. -快跟上去 -屋内摄影机待命
  [00:19.32]- Good morning. 早…
  [00:19.60]- Good morning.  早安
  [00:24.00]- ln case l don't see you ... - ... good afternoon and good night. 在这先预祝你们午安和晚安
  [00:29.96]Good afternoon, good night ... 午安
  [00:30.64]-早安 -晚安
  [00:36.32]- Morning, Truman. -楚门,早 -早安
  [00:38.72]How's it going? - l'll check.  -你好吗? -我检查一下
  [00:39.68]Vital signs are good. 生命迹象正常
  [00:42.28]Hey, Pluto! 布鲁多
  [00:45.04]- Good morning! - Look who's here. -楚门,早 -看看这是谁
  [00:50.64]Beautiful day, isn't it?  -天气真好 -天天都是
  [00:52.20]We thought about the policy, and we'll take it. 我们决定投保了
  [00:54.92]Great!  -别开玩笑 -不是
  [00:57.40]Let's go up to my office and sign the papers. 不如到办公室签保单吧
  [00:59.64]- Next week would be beter.  下个礼拜好了…
  [01:02.12]- l knew it. See you guys. -好,再见了 -下个礼拜见
  [01:05.64]- See you next week. - Looking forward to it! -让我有所期待 -没错
  [01:09.44]This isn't about insurance. This is about the great variable. 保险就是预防发生不测
  [01:11.16]When will death occur?. 死亡几时到?
  [01:13.56]Could be a week, a month, a year ... 下个礼拜、下个月、明年
  [01:18.84]Could be today. 也许是今天
  [01:20.04]lnnocent sunbather, 一个人在海滩做日光浴
  [01:23.04]stabbed by the tip of a runaway beach umbrella. 突然被遮阳伞尖头所刺死
  [01:26.88]No way to guard against that. 谁会想到呢?
  [01:33.44]- Excuse me.  抱歉
  [01:33.68]- Truman, this is Vivian. 这是薇薇安,楚门
  [01:35.24]The two of you are going to be neighbours. 从现在起她就坐在你隔壁
  [01:42.88]l guess what l'm saying is that life is ... fragile. 我想说的是生命很脆弱
  [01:51.76]- Vivian, your office. - Sorry. -你的办公室 -抱歉
  [01:54.92]l'm sorry ... You do? 对不起,真的吗?
  [01:56.60]oh, great. Let me take your information. 太好了,让我记下来
  [02:18.88]Ready, two. Go to two. 第二摄影机
  [02:22.28]Back to medium ...  中景…
  [02:25.84]and wide. 然后广角
  [02:36.56]l was just trying to train the kid to ... never mind. 我只是想训练他…算了
  [02:44.56]- What's he doing in the basement? 他在地下室干嘛?
  [02:45.92]- He moved in there when Meryl left. 梅莉走了以后,他就睡那儿
  [02:48.52]Why wasn't l told?  怎么没通知我?
  [02:51.52]Unpredictable behaviour has to be reported. 有异状就得报告
  [02:54.88]- He's just sleeping. l thought ...  他只是在睡觉
  [02:57.84]- This is the best shot we've got? 只有这角度?
  [02:59.16]- What's on the clock-cam? - obstruction. -你想看什么? -时钟摄影机呢?
  [03:02.92]obstruction. obstruction. 被挡住了
  [03:04.60]- What happened? - He was tidying up his garbage. -他在干什么? -整理杂物
  [03:14.44]- l want to check the set-ups ... - ... for the insurance convention. -我要看… -明天的保险业大会的场地
  [03:19.12]Nice move. 做得好
  [03:30.08]There you go. 现在开始
  [03:41.72]lsolate the audio. 放大声音
  [03:43.80]Give me a close-up on his torso. 放大身体
  [03:48.84]Still breathing. 他还在呼吸
  [03:51.12]Where's Chloe? 克洛伊呢?
  [03:52.24]Call him. Tell him it's a wrong number. 打给他,说是打错号码
  [04:01.40]- What took you so long?  怎么这么久?
  [04:02.88]- l had to wait for it. 披萨店太忙了,你的
  [04:07.32]- They were busy. What's going on?  -怎么回事? -不晓得
  [04:11.24]- He did nothing but stand around. - Shut up and watch. 他下来只到处看看
  [04:14.68]- l don't know. 快看吧
  [04:16.80]Then we went to night vision. 然后就用夜视镜头
  [04:19.68]He's asleep. 他在睡觉
  [04:22.32]There! Stop it. 那儿,停格,放大
  [04:25.84]Zoom in under the chair. -哪里? -椅子底下
  [04:30.48]- Enhance it.  放大
  [04:34.88]- ls it ..? My God ... 我的天
  [04:36.44]- He didn't go up the stairs.  他没上楼梯,一定还在
  [04:42.32]- Get Marlon over there! -快叫马龙赶去 -好的
  [05:00.04]Truman ... Surprise party! 楚门,惊喜
