AP 2011-04-07(在线收听

1. Libyan rebels say they will agree to a cease fire if Muammar Gaddafi pulls his forces out of all cities and allows peaceful protests. Libyan opposition leaders also say they’ve struck a deal with Cartel to sell rebel-held oil. Proceeds would be used to buy weapons and other supplies.

2. President Barack Obama says unemployment numbers released Friday indicate the economy is showing signs of strength. The unemployment rate fell to a two-year low with 8.8% in March.

3. Seven foreigners and four Afghan protesters have been killed after a demonstration against the burning of a Quran turned violent. Afghan officials say about 2,000 people were gathered outside the UN office at the time.

4. BYU guard Jimmer Fredette has been voted AP player of the year. He led the nation in scoring and helped BYU to one of its best seasons ever. Notre Dame's Mike Brey took the top coaching award.
