听电影学英语-美食从天而降 03(在线收听

  [00:03.32]What you doing? Stacking cans with me on them as a baby? 你在干什么?和我还是小孩子时一样把罐头叠好?
  [00:11.76]Anyways, who wants to watch me cut the ribbon... 总之,有谁想去看在镇长发布时…
  [00:12.76]...at the mayor's unveiling thing? …我的剪彩?
  [00:13.84]I'll be using these bad boys to help save the town. 我会用这些坏孩子拯救镇子的
  [00:21.04]All right, you guys. Sardines, yeah. 很好,你们 沙丁鱼
  [00:24.08]-Swallow Falls forever! -What a delight. - Swallow Falls永存 - 多么振奋人心啊
  [00:28.08]Listen, you-- Maybe you wanna go to that unveiling? 听着,你,你想去发布会吗?
  [00:32.08]You know, Dad, why don't you go ahead. I'll hold down the fort here. 老爸,你为什么不去呢 我会看店的
  [00:36.64]Really? You sure you can handle it? 真的?你确定你行吗?
  [00:39.92]Yeah, Dad, I'm pretty sure I'll be fine. 当然,老爸,我敢肯定我可以
  [00:42.52]All right, then. 行,嗯
  [00:44.88]I'll be back in half an hour, skipper. 船长,我半个小时就回来
  [00:45.28]Okay. Bye. 好的,再见
  [00:55.32]This hellhole is too small for me, Brent. 这鬼地方对我来说太小了,Brent
  [00:58.60]I wanna be big. 我想要做大
  [01:00.88]I want people to look at me and say, ''That is one big mayor.'' 我要人民瞧着我说 “这是咱们的大镇长”
  [01:07.44]And that's why this has to work. 这就是为什么这个必须成功
  [01:09.56]It has to work. 它必须成功
  [01:10.92]Otherwise, I'm just a tiny mayor of a tiny town... 否则,我就只是一个小镇长…
  [01:12.28]...full of tiny sardine-sucking knuckle-scrapers. …镇子里净是些只知道吃沙丁鱼的笨蛋
  [01:17.40]But not me, right? 但我不是,对吧?
  [01:17.96]Oh, not you, Brent. No. You've always been like a son to me. 哦,不是你,Brent,不 你一直就像我儿子
  [01:25.36]Hey, everybody. 嘿,大家好
  [01:29.68]Under this tarp is the greatest tourist attraction ever built by humans. 这片帆布下是人类建成的最能吸引游客的玩意
  [01:35.88]We just need 17,000 more gigajoules. 我们还要17000千兆焦耳能量
  [01:37.96]-An attraction so.... -Go, go, go. - 一个如此吸引人… - 走,走,走
  [01:43.32]What are you doing, Flint Lockwood? 你在做什么,Flint Lockwood?
  [01:45.04]Just holding my hands behind my back respectfully, sir. 先生,仅仅是把手恭敬的放在背后
  [01:46.88]-You know what you are, Lockwood? -No. - 你知道自己是什么吧,Lockwood? - 不
  [01:49.28]A shenaniganizer. 捣蛋鬼
  [01:51.28]A tomfool. 傻瓜
  [01:51.40]-You see my beautiful angel son Cal? -What's up? - 你看见我那美丽如天使般的儿子Cal了吗? - 怎么了?
  [01:55.16]I love him so much. This is my only son. 我非常爱他 我只有一个儿子
  [01:56.84]I want him to have a bright future. 我想他有个光明的未来
  [01:58.04]A future in which you don't ruin our town's day... 一个你不会某天用你那疯狂的发明
  [02:01.80]...with one of your crazy science thingies. 把镇子给毁了的未来
  [02:05.40]-Well, that's all behind me-- -You see this contact lens, Lockwood? - 好吧,那等我 - Lockwood,看见这个隐形眼镜没?
  [02:06.76]-This contact lens represent you. -All right. - 这个隐形眼镜代表你 - 行
  [02:09.68]-And my eye represents my eye. -Okay. - 我的眼睛代表他自己 - 好
  [02:13.28]I got my eye on you. 我会盯着你
  [02:17.92]-Oh, my gosh, a jaywalker. -Hey. - 天哪,有人横穿马路 - 嘿
  [02:21.68]And I've arranged for live coverage from a major network... 我从一个大型电视台请来了他们…
  [02:26.08]...and their most experienced professional reporter. …最专业经验最丰富的记者来进行现场直播
  [02:30.84]Oh, just send the intern. She's cute, and she's super perky. 哦,派那个实习生去 她很漂亮,相当活泼
  [02:33.84]Well, those are the only things we look for in a TV weatherperson. lntern. 好啦,这就是我们电视天气人台唯一要的东西
  [02:36.48]How would you like to do a weather report from a rinky-dink island... 实习生,你愿不愿意为我的表兄帮个忙
  [02:40.96]...in the middle of the ocean as a favor to my cousin? 去大海中央一个过气的小岛做个天气预报?
  [02:42.64]Really? 真的?
  [02:46.44]Can you believe it, Manny? 你相信吗,Manny?
  [02:46.72]Temporary professional meteorologist. 临时的气象专家
  [02:49.64]Okay, Manny, what about this? Ok,Manny,这个怎么样?
  [02:53.60]Welcome, America, I'm Sam Sparks. 欢迎,美国 我是Sam Sparks
  [02:55.60]Hello, America, Sam Sparks here. 你好,美国,这儿是Sam Sparks
  [02:56.76]America, hi. I didn't see you there. 美国,你好,我在那没看见你
  [02:59.68]It's me, Sam Sparks. 是我,Sam Sparks
  [02:59.84]On my way across the ocean. 在横穿大洋的路上
  [03:04.32]Now, when she gets here, I wanna see a lot of smiling faces. 现在,当她到场时 我想看见你们的微笑
  [03:11.52]Act like, ''Hey, whoa.'' 就像“嘿,哇哦”
  [03:15.88]Weather News Network. 天气新闻站
  [03:19.68]Weather news happens... 有天气新闻
  [03:20.92]Now we're over to Swallow Falls... 现在我们转到Swallow Falls
  [03:22.00]...where our intern is on her first day on the job. 这是我们的实习生/i> 的首日工作
  [03:26.00]Or should I say, first gray on the job. 或者我应该说,工作的第一个污点
  [03:28.32]Looks pretty cloudy there, intern. 你那儿看起来很多云,实习生
  [03:29.40]Hello, Sam Sparks, I'm America. 你好,Sam Sparks,我是美国
  [03:33.28]It's Swallow Falls degrees and-- Well, let's just go to the mayor. 这是Swallow Falls度 好了,我们转到镇长吧
  [03:38.56]Thank you and welcome, national television audience. 谢谢你,欢迎 国家电视观众
  [03:41.44]You are about to witness an historic event, undoubtedly.... 你很快就要成为无疑是 具有重大历史意义的事件目击者
  [03:49.48]And now, here to cut the ceremonial ribbon... 现在,来这儿剪掉彩带
  [03:54.52]...Swallow Falls' favorite son, Baby Brent! Swallow Falls人最爱的儿子 婴儿Brent!
  [03:58.00]He's still got it, folks. 各位注意,他还穿着那件尿不湿
  [04:01.12]Yeah. 耶
  [04:02.96]I'm the best person in the whole town. 我是镇子里最好的人
  [04:13.72]Food synthesis, go. 合成食物,开始
  [04:18.88]My chest hairs are tingling. Something's wrong. 我的胸毛刺痛 要出乱子了
  [04:22.56]Well, here it is. The attraction the whole world has been waiting for: 好了,就在这儿 整个世界都翘首以盼的奇迹
  [04:29.32]Sardine Land. 沙丁鱼大陆
  [04:31.80]With rides and exhibits. 带有乘行和展览
  [04:35.00]And featuring Shamo, the world's largest sardine... 还有Shamo,世界上最大的沙丁鱼
  [04:39.96]...and his flaming hoop of glory. 和他光荣的火圈
  [04:44.36]Those of you in the splash zone, look out. 飞溅区里的人,小心
  [04:45.04]Yeah. 耶
  [04:53.76]Cheeseburger. 奶酪汉堡包
  [04:55.76]Flint Lockwood. Flint Lockwood
  [04:57.68]Just a second. I'm in the middle of a-- 等一秒钟 我正在
