听电影学英语-美食从天而降 12(在线收听

  [00:01.02]Still nothing, nothing in the bottom of the third inning. 还是没有,第三局一开始还是什么都没有
  [00:13.34]Everyone. 大家
  [00:17.42]I want to apologize. 我想认错
  [00:19.42]Especially to you, Sam. 特别是你,Sam
  [00:22.26]But I have a plan. 但是我有个计划
  [00:25.46]This flash drive contains a kill code. 这个闪盘里有毁灭指令
  [00:26.86]I will fly up into that food storm, plug it into the machine... 我会飞进食品风暴 把这个插进机器
  [00:31.86]...and shut it down forever... 永远关闭
  [00:34.30]...while you guys evacuate the island, using brea-- 同时你们要撤离这个岛 用面
  [00:35.42]This is all his fault. Get him. 都是他的错,拿下他
  [00:37.30]There he is! Get him! 他在那儿!拿下他!
  [00:39.10]Get Flint. 拿下Flint
  [00:40.90]Let's rock his car back and forth. 前后摇他的车
  [00:48.82]Hey! 嘿
  [00:49.82]This mess we're in is all our faults. 对于现在的困境我们都难辞其咎
  [00:55.30]Me, I didn't even protect my own son. 我,我甚至连我唯一的儿子都保护不了
  [00:58.46]Look, I'm as mad at Flint as you are. 是啊,我就像你们一样对Flint很恼火
  [00:59.98]ln fact, when he gets out of that car, I'm gonna slap him in the face. 事实上,他要从车里出来 我会扇他
  [01:06.02]I know Flint Lockwood made the food, but it was made-to-order. 我知道Flint Lockwood制造了食物 不过那都是按命令来的
  [01:08.10]And now it's time for all of us to pay the bill. 现在该我们付账了
  [01:23.02]Thank you, Earl. 谢谢,Earl
  [01:26.18]-Sorry. -It's okay. - 对不起 - 没事
  [01:27.50]-Let's go build some boats. -Yeah. - 造船去吧 - 好的
  [01:30.66]I'm gonna go build a boat. 我要去造船了
  [01:35.26]I'm coming with you. 我要和你一起走
  [01:37.14]You're gonna need someone to navigate you through that storm. 你会需要能驶过风暴的人
  [01:42.34]I can't let you do this alone. 我不能让你一个人做
  [01:42.78]-Oh, Sam, I'm so sorry. -Are you kidding? - 哦,Sam,真的很对不起 - 你在开玩笑吗?
  [01:45.38]-Well, I just thought that we-- -No. - 好了,我在想我们 - 不
  [01:47.38]Okay. 好
  [01:49.18]-You are going to need a copilot. -You're a pilot too? - 你还需要一个副驾驶 - 你还是个飞行员?
  [01:53.02]Yes. I am also a particle physicist. 是啊,我还是个小物理学家
  [01:54.42]-Really? -No, that was a joke. - 真的 - 不,开个玩笑
  [01:57.34]I am also a comedian. 我还是喜剧演员
  [01:59.50]-Let's do this thing. -I'm coming too. - 开始吧 - 我也要去
  [02:02.66]Brent, that's okay. Brent,我们就行了
  [02:05.74]No, it's not okay. 不,还不行
  [02:09.82]I've been coasting on my fame since I was a baby. 从我还小时我就靠我的名声过活
  [02:13.02]But it was all just an illusion. 但是这仅仅是个幻境
  [02:16.30]Maybe up there I'll find out who I really am. 或许从那儿我会找出我是谁
  [02:20.66]The car's pretty full, so.... 这车相当满了,所以
  [02:23.74]Yeah. 耶
  [02:27.14]Brent. Brent
  [02:29.34]Okay. 好的
  [02:41.46]Good luck, son. 好运,儿子
  [02:51.58]Steve. Steve
  [02:54.66]Pea-soup fog. 豌豆汤雾
  [02:57.66]Manny, hit the wipers. Manny,打开雨刷
  [03:01.26]There's massive gastro-precipitation accumulated around the machine. 机器周围的食物可真多
  [03:05.50]It's almost as if it's.... 它差不多就像
  [03:08.30]lnside a giant meatball. 在一个巨大的肉团里
  [03:16.94]Water goes in the top... 水从上面进去
  [03:20.14]...a food hurricane comes out the bottom. 底下会出来食物飓风
  [03:42.82]Anybody order pizza? 有人点了披萨吗?
  [03:44.38]Hold on. 坚持住
  [03:47.18]The pizza's chasing us? 披萨在追我们?
  [03:49.58]Sentient food? That's impossible. 有知觉的食物?这不可能
  [03:51.86]Unless its molecular structure's mutated into super food! 除非它的分子结构变异为超级食物了!
  [03:55.30]That's been genetically engineered to protect the FLDSMDFR. 它们被设计成保卫FLDSMDFR的食物
  [03:57.58]Pizza. 披萨
  [03:59.06]Pizza. Pizza. Pizza. 披萨,披萨,披萨
  [04:05.26]That was close. I mean, can you imagine if we lost this kill code? 就差一点,我说 你们能想象毁灭指令丢了会怎么样?
  [04:15.78]You're okay, great. 你没事,很好
  [04:16.02]-Tim's Tackle Shop. -Dad. - Tim钓具店 - 爸爸
  [04:20.10]I need a favor. The fate of the world depends on it! 我要你帮个忙,整个世界的命运就靠它了
  [04:21.94]Okay, then, skipper. What do you need? 好的,船长 你要怎么做?
  [04:24.86]Go into my lab, get on my computer and e-mail a file to my cell phone. 去我的实验室,打开电脑 把份文件电邮到我手机上
  [04:36.10]All right. 行
  [04:40.74]-Want me to drive? -Yeah, okay. - 要我开吗? - 是的,好
  [04:58.42]You're a lot better than me. 你开的比我好多了
