听电影学英语-美国颂歌 01(在线收听

  [00:30.94](Man) 1, 2, 3... 1, 2, 3
  [00:32.74](? Lynyrd Skynyrd: Sweet Home Alabama) (音乐:Sweet Home Alabama)
  [00:45.18](Children laughing and shouting)
  [00:53.14](Kids) Hi, Grandpa! 爷爷!
  [00:53.22]Hey! 嘿!
  [01:00.10]- Ahh! - (Girl) Grandpa, over here! 爷爷,往这里扔!
  [01:06.14]- Hey, hey, hey! - (Kids) Grandpa! 爷爷!
  [01:07.46]Everybody now, happy Fourth of July! 大家一起来 独立日快乐!
  [01:09.94]Thanks, Grandpa! 谢谢爷爷!
  [01:12.18]That's it, go ahead, kids. 吃吧,孩子
  [01:14.30]Dig in. I made 'em myself. 这些是我亲自做的哦!
  [01:16.70](Grandpa) Pretty good. How's that taste there, Timmy?
  [01:17.26]- Bleh! - Blech! 好极了 Timmy,味道如何啊?
  [01:19.18]Uh, I'm not really hungry right now. 我现在其实是不饿的
  [01:21.74]Why don't you tell us a story? 为什么不给我们讲个故事呢?
  [01:23.22]- Yeah! One of your great stories! - Yeah, one of your stories! - 给我们讲讲您那些精彩的故事吧 - 对啊,讲讲故事
  [01:28.10]All right, how about the one that you kids always love? 好吧,要不就讲那个你们都很喜欢的故事...
  [01:30.42]- The, uh... the story of Scrooge. - Scrooge?! - Scrooge的故事怎么样? - Scrooge?!
  [01:34.10]- The guy who hated Christmas? - That's dumb. - 那个痛恨圣诞节的人吗? - 没意思
  [01:36.98]Well, uh, sort of, but this Scrooge hated the Fourth of July. 额,差不多吧 但这故事里的Scrooge痛恨的是美国独立日(7月4日)
  [01:41.26]Why does he hate the Fourth of July? 他为什么痛恨独立日啊?
  [01:42.74]Well, uh, the story begins high on a mountaintop, 说来话长,这个故事开始于阿富汗...
  [01:47.98]far away in Afghanistan. 偏远处的一个山顶上
  [01:52.54](Arabic music playing)
  [01:59.54]Quiet! Calm down! 嘘!小声点!
  [02:00.02]- Mohammed? - (All) Yes, sir? - Mohammed? - 长官,什么指示...
  [02:03.58]- They're all named Mohammed, sir. - Yes, of course. - 长官,他们都叫做Mohammed - 我当然知道
  [02:06.46]I must remember to use last names. 我应该喊他们的姓的
  [02:08.46]- Hussein! - (All) Yes, sir? - Hussein? - 长官,什么指示...
  [02:13.42]For God's sake, you! 有没有搞错,你过来
  [02:20.70]- (Aziz) Is that your brother? - Hussein? - 那人是你的兄弟吗? - Hussein?
  [02:21.66]It's not his fault. He is the campaign manager. 这不是他的错 他是竞选宣传的组织者
  [02:22.06]Why is he voting? 他为什么要去投票?
  [02:26.74]- What? For who? - Mohammed Hussein. - 是吗?帮谁组织? - Mohammed Hussein
  [02:28.26]- (All) Yes, sir! - Quiet! - 长官,什么指示... - 嘘
  [02:33.14]All right, everyone. 这样吧,大家都过来
  [02:35.38]Well, who's going to be the first? 谁报名当第一个?
  [02:37.58]Ah, very good. Very good. And what is your name, young man? 好,相当好 年轻人,你叫什么名字?
  [02:38.78]I am. 我
  [02:42.86]- Mu... - Forget it. Mount up. - Mu... - 算了,给他上装备
  [02:45.14]- Allahu Akbar. - What exactly did I volunteer for? - Allahu Akbar - 我到底报名参加了什么活动啊?
  [02:48.22]Messenger duty. Excellent pay. 你负责给我送信 报酬丰厚
  [02:51.22]But, sir, this bicycle... 可是,长官,这辆自行车
  [02:52.78]- What's wrong? - Well, it's kind of rickety. - 哪儿不对劲? - 这车看上去摇摇晃晃的
  [02:56.90]I don't know if it can get back up the hill. 我不知道我能否靠它回到山上来
  [02:59.58]I wouldn't worry about that. 如果是我,我就不担心这个
  [02:59.78]- Maybe if I take some bombs off... - No, no, no. - 如果我可以取下一些炸弹的话 - 别别别
  [03:03.94]- It is a part of the uniform. - Ah. - 这些炸弹是这制服的一部分 - 哦
  [03:06.10](Brake handles squeaking)
  [03:09.10]And it doesn't seem to have any brakes. 而且这车貌似没有车闸
  [03:15.66]Of course. 当然
  [03:21.42]Oh, yeah, Allah will stop me. 真主会让我停下来的
  [03:34.62]Jesus! 天啊!
  [03:35.86]You! Go get him. 你!过去看看怎么回事!
  [03:41.18]- (Moaning) - I found the problem, sir! 长官,我发现问题了
  [03:55.34](Ahmed) Don't you see? 你没看到吗?
  [03:55.50]We have at least destroyed an infidel's car. 我们至少还摧毁了一辆异教徒的汽车呢
  [03:57.18]That was my car. 那辆车是我的
  [04:12.82]Huh? What are you people doing? 你们在这里干嘛?
  [04:16.30]Why are you voting in this infidel election? 你们为什么要参与这个异端的选举?
  [04:19.90]Because we want democracy, 因为我们想要民主、自由
  [04:21.90]freedom, elect a president who will be accountable. 以及选出一个靠谱的总统
  [04:24.54]Enough! Mohammed, take care of him! 够了,Mohammed,把他给我解决了
  [04:24.86]Mohammed, what in the name of Allah are you doing? Mohammed,你在搞什么?
  [04:29.94]I'm not voting for president. But I feel strongly about Proposition 12. 我不是来投票选总统的  但我很支持第12修正案...
  [04:31.90]A marriage should be between a man and a woman. 婚姻必须建立在一个男人 和一个女人的基础上
  [04:35.78]Or between a man and a really good-looking man. 或者是一个男人和另一个长相好的男人...
  [04:39.94]- Shut up. - This is what you vote for? - 闭嘴 - 你们就要把票投给这些议案?
  [04:44.62]That and immigration. We need a guest worker program 当然还有移民法案 我们需要一个引进劳工的计划
  [04:47.62]so that the Mexicans can do the job the Taliban won't. 这样的话墨西哥人就能来做 我们塔利班不愿做的工作
  [04:50.22](Mariachi music blaring on radio)
  [04:56.26]These Western ideas are dangerous. 这些西方的思想很危险
  [05:00.94]We must resist them at every turn. 我们必须抓住一切机会抵抗他们
