听电影学英语-美国颂歌 15(在线收听

  [00:04.80]? America, America ∮ America, America
  [00:05.08](music fades to fifes playing)
  [00:16.84]? America, America ∮ America, America
  [00:20.08]? Yeah, I believe in you ∮ Yeah, I believe in you
  [00:24.96]New York City! 纽约
  [00:28.08]Whoo! 那里有mosh pit? (摇滚场面)
  [00:28.44]Not in country music.
  [00:29.88]There is mosh pit? 乡村音乐没有那个
  [00:30.32]Aah! Oh!
  [00:35.92]? America, America ∮ America, America
  [00:38.80]? Ooh, ooh...?
  [00:40.48]Josh. Josh
  [01:00.48]Josh! Josh! Josh!Josh!
  [01:03.36]Josh, Josh! Josh!Josh!
  [01:05.32]Josh, Josh! Josh!Josh!
  [01:07.40]Carry on. 没事
  [01:08.80](Timmy) Daddy, look who's here. 爸爸,你看谁来了
  [01:12.12]- Uncle Asshole! - Josh! - 混蛋叔叔 - Josh
  [01:15.40]Josh! Josh
  [01:25.20]Can you forgive your stupid uncle for being too blind to see 你能原谅这愚蠢且瞎了眼的叔叔吗?
  [01:28.48]what's been right in front of him this whole time? 我一直就没有注意到自己面前的一切
  [01:29.76]Oh, nice! Blind jokes! 不错!盲人笑话!
  [01:32.40]Uncle Michael, it's OK. Michael叔叔,没关系
  [01:33.68]Well, I just want you to know that I care about you, and... 我只是想让你知道我关心你
  [01:39.76]...l'm proud of what you're doin'. 而且我以你为荣
  [01:40.72]I always knew that, Uncle Michael. I always knew it. 我一直都知道的,叔叔 我一直都知道
  [01:46.48]Well, now you take care of yourself, 你要照顾好自己
  [01:48.76]'cause there's a lot of bad people out there. 外边坏人很多
  [01:51.76]It's OK. As long as there's a lot of good people here. 没关系,只要这里还有好人就行
  [01:57.04]If there's anything I can do... 我能帮上什么忙吗?
  [01:59.92]Maybe I can send some DVDs of my movies. 也许我可以给你寄些我电影的DVD
  [02:02.08]That's all right. 不用了
  [02:04.80]We captured a lot of them when we took Saddam's palace. 我们在攻破萨达姆的行宫后 找到了很多你的电影
  [02:09.76]Besides, I think most of the guys prefer features. 而且我觉得大家都喜欢正剧
  [02:12.40]But I'd really appreciate it 但我还是非常感谢你
  [02:14.52]if you could check in on Lily and the kids while I'm gone. 如果你可以在我不在的时候照顾 Lily和孩子们的话
  [02:18.08]Yeah, I will. No problem. 嗯,没问题
  [02:22.28]You've made Josh so happy. 你的到来让Josh很高兴
  [02:23.48]- Thanks, Jilly. - Lily. - 谢谢,Jilly - 我是Lily
  [02:28.32]Welcome to the fight, Uncle Michael. 欢迎加入战斗,Michael叔叔
  [02:30.32]This time I know our side will win. 这次我们一定会赢
  [03:04.00]- Ow! - Ow!
  [03:11.40](Muffled screams)
  [03:15.36]- (Boy) Help! - (Gasps) 救命啊
  [03:20.72]Don't worry, Josh! 别担心,Josh
  [03:22.12]- (Screams) - I'll take care of the family! 我会照顾好家人的
  [03:33.32]Thought I'd find you here. 我就知道你在这里
  [03:35.92]He's a good kid. Persian Gulf, volunteered. 他是个好小伙子 志愿去波斯湾参战
  [03:40.08]I feel so useless. What can I do? 我觉得我很没用 我能干什么呢?
  [03:42.68]Well, you could start by being 你可以尝试成为恐怖分子的心头之痛
  [03:46.88]as big a pain in the ass to the terrorists as you've been to us. 就像你曾经是我们的心头之痛一样
  [03:47.68]Like makin' a movie of the good things about America. 比如拍一部关于美利坚光明面的电影
  [03:50.04]In Hollywood? Fat chance. 在好莱坞?没戏
  [03:52.84]Sorry for bein' such a jerk. 我为我的恶劣行为向你道歉
  [03:56.32]Ah, forget it. 别放在心上
  [03:56.52]Sorry I made you listen to country music. 我为逼迫你听乡村音乐而道歉
  [03:57.72]Hey, you want to grab a sandwich? 想吃块三明治吗?
  [04:01.56]I'd love to. Used to get a good pastrami in Manhattan. 好啊,我原来喜欢吃Manhattan 的pastrami(一种熏牛肉)
  [04:03.88]Before you got t-boned by that car. It was a spinal injury, right? 在你得到那个丁字牛排之前 有个车祸导致的脊椎受伤,没错吧?(巴顿后来瘫痪了)
  [04:05.76](Patton) Tough day. Didn't see that comin'. 艰难的日子 但我没有预见到
  [04:09.64](Malone) What do you think about stem cell research? 你对干细胞研究有何看法?
  [04:11.44](Patton) Let's not go there. A broken neck is a broken neck... 不用了,脖子断了就断了吧
  [04:14.08](Grandpa) From then on, he always remembered to celebrate 从此以后,他一直记得
  [04:17.48]the Fourth of July, 庆祝独立日
  [04:20.64]and he did what he could to help out the soldiers. 他还努力帮助军人们
  [04:21.64]But most important, he devoted himself 最重要的是,他献身于传播...
  [04:25.36]to spreading a message of his hero. 他心目中英雄所想表达的思想的事业
  [04:26.20]My fellow Americans, 美利坚同胞们
  [04:28.24]My fellow Americans, 美利坚同胞们
  [04:28.64]ask not what your country can do for you, 不要问你们的国家可以为你们做什么
  [04:32.32]but rather, ask, uh... Uh... line! 而是问... 台词呢?
  [04:35.40]You know, I don't think JFK would say this like that. 我不觉得肯尼迪会说成这样的
  [04:38.84]- It's become such a... - "What you can do for your country!" - 它已经成为了... - “你能为你的国家做什么”
  [04:42.04]Oh, cut! What are we gonna do? 停机! 下面我们干什么呢?
  [04:47.32]Fire his ass. 抄他的屁股
  [04:49.00]That's my boy. 果然是我家的孩子
  [04:49.96]God bless us, everyone. 上帝保佑所有人
  [04:52.56](Malone and Timmy) And God bless America! 上帝保佑美国
  [04:53.04](Grandpa) And it turned out people actually wanted to see movies 而且大家发现人们是喜欢看那种
  [04:56.96]that showed good things about America. 描述美国正面形象的电影的
  [04:59.64]- (girl) Grandpa! - Oh, Grandpa, come on. - 爷爷! - 爷爷!
  [05:01.44]Hey. It's just a story. 这只是一个故事
  [05:08.00](Kennedy) My fellow Americans, 美利坚同胞们
  [05:09.20]ask not what your country can do for you, 不要问你们的国家可以为你们做什么
  [05:10.08]but rather ask what you can do for your country. 而是问你能为你的国家做什么
  [05:14.24](Malone) Cut! Print! 停机!
  [06:37.84](? Whiskey Falls: Hellbilly)
