音乐咖啡厅:D Side - Baby Don't Cry(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:D Side - Baby Don't Cry


相关介绍:D-Side与Boyzone、Westlife等同样来自於男生偶像超级梦工厂的爱尔兰,是个由Ryan O’Rian雷恩、Shane Creevey夏恩、Derek Moran德瑞克,Damien Bowe以及Dane Guiden作为第一代团员所组成的5人团体,於2001年出道,以偶像型男搭配流行旋律的风格,受到极大注目,他们不但曾为Blue, Westlife等当红学长们作暖场,也积极参与如Soccer Magic、Soccer 6、Children in Need和ChildLine等的公益活动,亲和而敬业的形象,获得超级情报誌Smash Hits评选为Best New Tour Act Award(最佳新进巡演团体)殊荣。2003年发行的首张专辑"Stronger Together"可说是轰动欧亚大陆,在英国、爱尔兰、德国、法国、中国等的热门榜上都得到了前10名,辑中所推出的5支单曲,除首推同名主打仅在家乡爱尔兰发行、拿下了第 2名外,接下来的"Speechless","Invisible","Real World"单曲在英国榜都进入了前10名。他们在亚洲由Avex代理,Avex以其世界知名独立厂牌的声名及在地的超强行销资源力挺,使日本成为亚洲地区 D-Side风潮的肇始地,不但专辑一举攫取排行冠军,"Invisible","Real World"也相继成为单曲榜首,而2005年初举行的全日本Invisible Tour更是让这个组合成为火红的洋乐新宠。


Song:Baby Don't Cry

I won't forget you, I'll miss you more all the time
But I need to let you, know that apart you're still mine
Because With everything I ever have, everything I'll learn on the way,
I'll wipe your tears away
Everything I ever have, everything you'll ever need
Everything you want me to stay
You'll still be mine today I'll wipe your tears away
Crying now, won't drown the love out
I'll wipe your tears away
You and I don't need a goodbye
Don't hide
I'm here tonight so baby don't cry
There's no tomorrow, without you I don't feel the dance
But I need to follow, my own feel to give us a chance, because
All the dreams I ever have, everything I long for today
Might take me far away
All the dreams I ever have, it's not as if I wanna leave
When every last look that you take
Just makes me want to stay please wipe your tears away
Crying now, won't drown the love out
I'll wipe your tears away
You and I don't need a goodbye
Don't hide
I'm here tonight so baby don't cry
Cry It's cold and it's lonely tonight
Cry all tonight
Because everything I ever have, Everything I'll learn on the way
I'll wipe your tears away
Crying now, won't drown the love out
I'll wipe your tears away
You and I don't need a goodbye don’t need a say goodbye
Don't hide
Crying now, won't drown the love out
I'll wipe your tears away
You and I don't need a goodbye don’t need a say goodbye
I'm here tonight so baby don't
I'm here tonight so baby don't cry
I'm here tonight so baby don't cry
