听电影学英语-心灵驿站 09(在线收听

  [00:00.64]Hi. 嗨.
  [00:01.10]Who are you? 你是谁?
  [00:02.84]I'm Fin. 芬.
  [00:05.68]Where's Olivia? 奥莉维亚去哪了?
  [00:07.36]I think she's upstairs sleeping. 我想她上楼睡觉了.
  [00:10.68]Hey, you're Olivia's ex. 嗨, 你是奥莉维亚的前夫.
  [00:11.04]I just saw your picture in the kitchen. 我在厨房见到了你的照片.
  [00:13.20]Yes. 是的.
  [00:15.72]I'm Joe. 我是 乔.
  [00:17.04]I think Olivia's sleeping, man. Tore it up last night. 我想奥莉维亚还在睡, 老兄. 昨晚我们没在一块睡.
  [00:21.04]Huh. 啊哈.
  [00:26.72]David? 戴维?
  [00:27.92]Hi. 嗨.
  [00:29.08]What are you doing here? 你在这干什么?
  [00:31.44]I wanted to talk to you. And you won't call me back. 我想跟你谈谈.但你不接我电话.
  [00:33.44]I didn't feel like talking. 我不认为有什么好谈的.
  [00:36.28]Yeah, yeah, I got that much. 对,对,我了解了.
  [00:42.64]Can you guys leave us alone? 你俩能回避一下吗?
  [00:45.16]Thanks. 谢谢.
  [00:47.16]Are you gonna be okay? 不会出什么事吧?
  [00:50.16]Yeah. 没事.
  [01:04.36]DAVID: You wanna explain that? 戴维:你不准备解释一下?
  [01:07.56]- No. - No, what? - 不准备. - 什么?
  [01:09.20]DAVID: I'd just like to know what the hell's going on. 戴维: 我算知道在这都发生些什么了.
  [01:11.88]No, I came all the way down here 不,我费半天劲来这,就因为你不接电话
  [01:12.08]OLIVIA: I have nothing to say to you!
  [01:12.72]because you won't pick up the phone. 奥莉维亚:我跟你没话说!
  [01:15.40]DAVID: Don't walk away from me. Can you listen to me? 戴维: 别走.你听见我说话了吗?
  [01:34.96]CLEO: Fin! 克利奥:芬!
  [01:43.52]It's a permission slip so you can speak at my school. 这是张许可证,你可以到我们学校演讲了.
  [01:51.88]I can't speak at your school, Cleo. 我不会去你们学校演讲, 克利奥.
  [01:55.20]Yes, you can. 你能,当然能.
  [01:56.40]You can pick any Friday that you want. 如果你愿意,可以周五来.
  [01:59.72]I'm sorry. I can't. 很遗憾.我去不了.
  [02:00.24]Why? 为什么?
  [02:00.56]It's just not something I can do. 我什么也没干.
  [02:03.60]I'm sorry. 很抱歉.
  [02:03.92]You have to! 你干了!
  [02:05.60]But I already told everyone you were coming! 我已经给每个人都说了你会去的!
  [02:10.92]I'm sorry, Cleo. 很抱歉, 克利奥.
  [02:10.96]If you were sorry, then you would come. 如果你真的感觉抱歉,就应该跟我去.
  [02:11.76]No, you're not. 没有,你没有.
  [02:17.96]What was that all about? 怎么了?
  [02:26.68]I guess no coffee for Olivia today. 我看奥莉维亚今天不会来喝咖啡了.
  [02:30.84]No. 对.我猜也不会来了
  [02:33.68]Guess not.
  [02:57.44]I didn't like that guy, man. 我不喜欢那个家伙.
  [02:59.60]Who? 谁?
  [03:02.60]Olivia's ex. 奥莉维亚的前夫,那个生气的白人.
  [03:03.12]Uptight white guy.
  [03:07.12]Can I ask you a personal question? 我能问你个私人问题吗?
  [03:09.48]Sure. 当然.
  [03:12.00]You've had sex, right? 你有过性经验,对吗?
  [03:14.32]Yes. 是的.
  [03:16.48]With a regular-sized chick? 和正常的女孩?
  [03:19.84]Yeah. 对.
  [03:21.68]With a regular-sized chick. 和正常的女孩.
  [03:25.52]You ever had it with someone your own size? 有没有过跟你一样的?
  [03:31.04]No. 没有.
  [03:35.24]I don't want to talk about this, Joe. 我不想说这个, 乔.
  [03:35.56]Do you wanna? 你想吗?
  [03:36.40]- Why? - I just... I just don't. - 为什么? - 我...我就是不想谈.
  [04:30.08]Hi. 嗨.
  [04:31.92]I have my bill. 我有信了.
  [04:32.76]Oh. Cool. 哦. 很好.
  [04:33.12]I can make you out a card right now. 我马上给你办个借书证.
  [04:37.96]I just need you to fill that out. 把这个表格填一下.
  [04:43.12]There you go. And I'll get your card. 然后你就等着我给你办好.
  [04:49.32]Your first name is Finbar? 你的名字叫芬巴?
  [04:51.32]My name's Emily. 我叫艾米丽.
  [04:51.84]Yes. 是的.
  [04:55.52]Hi. 嗨.
