英伦广角 2011-02-06 波兰总统坠机调查结果出炉(在线收听

This is the simulation of the final moments before President Kaczynski's plane crashed. What you can hear is real.  A technical error meant the crew thought there were more than 100 meters above the ground. There were no survivors. The official investigation has placed the blame squarely on the Poles. The Russian Interstate Aviation Committee says the pilots were put under pressure to land by Poland's air force commander who'd been drinking.

The use of the phrase there “he’ll get mad” is evidence of the fact that the crew were in a psychologically difficult situation. It's clear that in the event of a further flight to another emergency air field, the commander of the flight crew expected a negative reaction from the most important passenger.

Mr.Kaczynski and 95 others including his wife died last April when the Tu-154 plane crashed while trying to land in appalling conditions in Smolensk Russia. The lawyer representing President Kaczynski’s family says he's shocked by the findings of the report.

I think it's an absolute scandal, and it is not in line with reality, given that the investigation is still in progress by Russian prosecutors. And most importantly and most interestingly for me, the Polish investigators, I believe that the findings presented by Polish prosecutors after the investigation by the Military Prosecutors Office will portray the truth.

The death of its president hit Poland hard. The finding that the country's representatives were in some way to blame is equally difficult to accept.

Amanda Walker, Sky News, Moscow.
