访谈录 2011-05-10&05-12 喜剧明星史蒂夫·卡瑞尔的罗(在线收听

Now, you’ve been married for 16 years.

-I have.

-And, yes, let’s ah…

-Why? Why? Why you even applaud at “16 years” though?

-Some people don’t make it that long.

-I see, I think, I think, it’s so strange that it’s, hum, such a big deal, especially in Hollywood, it’s made of that. And, you’re gonna ask questions, what, what’s the secret to it, hum, and I don’t think there really is, I think it’s, you get lucky, uh, by marrying the right person. And, and I was, so…

-And, and you work out of it and you’ll be, don’t you…

-I don’t workout.

-No, you, you must be…

-You have to. Yeah.

-Are you romantic?

-I try (表示过去和现在都在try 并不只是过去 再根据我们听到的 所以不是tried) to be.

-Like what kind of little things, tell us, tell us a recent thing.

-Recent thing? Hum, I unloaded the dishwasher.


-You know what? I know…

-That’s romantic.

-I, it doesn’t sound like a big romantic thing.

-It’s romantic.

-Those little things add up.

-They do.

-You know, you can have the grand gestures, look at these 18k (karat) diamond earrings, but, honestly, it’s you unloaded the dishwasher, you are good to go.

-you are right.

-But, like conversely, she will, she will make coffee every night before we go to bed, she will set up the coffee-maker. And I wake up, I usually get up early to go to work, and I, you know, that coffee is ready for me in the morning, and I know it’s because my wife did that and I know it’s because she loves me that she did that. So it’s, it’s a nice thing.


-Exactly. I got them to “ah”.

-And now I will let you go. That’s all I was waiting for. Now that I’ve got the "ah" out from them, you are done.
