白领美丽英文诵典365 -084 What Bugs You Most about You(在线收听

what Bugs You Most about Your Job

American hate the jobs more than ever before knows past twenty years .With few hates they say satisfied . The train strongest among the workers under the age of 25, Less than 39 pecent of who are satisfied with their jobs .Workers age 45 to 54 has a seconld trouble satisifaction according to the survey conducted by the conference blooker a marked inforemation company ,Older people love the job more nearly half of the workers over 55 percent of the pleasant sitution ,Overall disatifaction has spread among all workers regardness of the income or residents.Twenty years ago the first time survey was conducted 61 percent of all americans were satisfied with their jobs according to the representive survey of the five thousand us house .although certainty among the disatisfaction with one's job is to be repective ,the breath of disatisfaction is someone on settle .Money really buy happiness ,but can't buy the job satisfaction .People making under the 55 thousand dollors per year report the low satisfaction although making more than 55 thousand dollors per year .So they were the most satisfied ,People live in Newyork ,New jersey

Providence are the most disgranted with less than 41 percent say that they are satisfied with their current job ,And people live in Maryland ;Nevada;Colorado;Ohio and so on were the most like the wealth of their work ,56 percent reported being satisfied .The thin both most workers the most about jobs were bliss and promotion.
