听电影学英语-功夫熊猫 06(在线收听

  [00:08.00]Why don't you try again?  A little harder. 再试一下 打重点
[00:15.36]How's that? 怎么样? 哇
[00:27.52]That hurts. 好疼
[00:34.56]This will be easier than l thought. 要赶走他好像并不难
[00:37.48]I'm feeling a little nauseous! 有点头昏
[00:41.84]Those are hard! 这铁家伙  看来我要...
[00:46.56]My tenders. 我的鸡鸡
[01:14.68]How did l do? 我表现如何?
[01:18.72]There is now a level zero. 总算见识“没水平”了
[01:22.60]- There's no words.  - No denying that. - 我真是无语了 - 可不是吗
[01:23.08]What was Master Oogway thinking? 我真不明白乌龟大师是怎么想的
[01:26.72]The poor guy's gonna get himself killed. 那个可怜虫会送命的
[01:27.20]He is so mighty! 他是那么的“威风”
[01:31.44]The Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky  on a ball of fire! 神龙大侠坐着火球从天而降
[01:36.08]When he walks,the very ground shakes! 他一走动 大地都会颤抖
[01:39.44]One would think Master Oogway would  choose someone who knew kung fu. 按理说 乌龟大师会选一个真正会功夫的人
[01:44.76]Yeah,or could at least touch his toes. 是呀  至少手能碰到脚趾头
[01:47.20]Or even see his toes. 他胖得连脚趾头都看不见
[02:13.24]OK. 好了
[02:23.12]Great. 糟糕
[02:38.52]Hi. You're up. 嗨 你醒了
[02:41.72]l am now. 被你吵醒的
[02:44.88]Some day,huh? 今天够呛?
[02:46.76]That kung fu stuff is hard work,right?  Are your biceps sore? 那功夫真够难的 对吗? 你二头筋酸吗?
[02:50.52]l've had a long  and rather disappointing day,so... 今天一天真是又长又叫人泄气 所以...
[02:57.68]Yeah,l should probably  get to sleep now. 是呀  我现在也许真该睡一会儿了
[02:59.40]- Yeah,yeah,yeah. Of course.  - OK,thanks. - 是呀 是呀 当然 那好 - 谢谢
[03:03.28]lt's just...  Man,l'm such a big fan! 我只想说 我好崇拜你们
[03:06.04]You guys were amazing  at the Battle of Weeping River. 弃河大战的时候 你们表现神勇
[03:08.12]Outnumbered a thousand to one,but you didn't stop. You just... 面对千倍敌人 你们毫不退缩 你们...
[03:15.20]Sorry about that. 请多包涵
[03:18.80]Look,you don't belong here. 呃  听着 你不属于这儿
[03:20.64]l know. l know. You're right. 我知道 我知道 你说的对
[03:25.28]I don't have... I just... 我...什么都不会 我只是...
[03:25.48]My whole life l dreamed of... 我从小就有一个梦...
[03:28.20]No,l meant you don't belong here.  l mean,in this room. This is my room. 不不不  我的意思是你不属于这儿 就是这房间 这是我的房间
[03:35.16]Property of Orane. 仙鹤房产
[03:37.68]OK. Right,right. 哦  懂了 对对
[03:39.24]So,you want to get to sleep. 那么 对  你想睡觉了
[03:40.84]- Yeah.  - l'm keeping you up. 对  打扰了
[03:42.32]We got big things tomorrow. 明天还有大事要做呢
[03:45.12]All right. You're awesome.  Last thing l'm gonna say. Bye-bye. 好吧  你很牛  我就说这些了 OK  拜拜
[03:53.28]What was that? 说什么呢?
[03:55.24]OK. All right. Good night. 那好 走了 晚安
[03:57.96]Sleep well. 做个好梦
[04:02.20]That seemed a little awkward. 真有点尴尬
[04:05.56]Master Tigress!  l didn't mean to wake you. 娇虎大侠  我没想吵醒你  只是...
[04:09.84]- You don't belong here.  - Yeah,of course. 你不属于这里  是呀 是呀  当然
[04:11.92]This is your room. 这是你的房间
[04:14.36]l mean,you don't belong  in the Jade Palace. 我是说 你不属于我们翡翠宫
[04:15.84]You're a disgrace to kung fu,and if you have 你是武林的耻辱  如果你
[04:19.60]any respect for who we are  and what we do, 还懂得尊重我们这些大侠 尊重武林
[04:23.48]you will be gone by morning. 那你明天一早就离开
[04:29.92]Big fan! 我崇拜你
[04:39.08]l see you have found the Sacred  Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. 看来你已经发现了这棵天资神明圣桃树
[04:45.76]ls that what this is? Sorry. l thought  it was just a regular peach tree. 就是这棵树?  不好意思  我还以为是平常的桃树
[04:51.24]l understand.  You eat when you are upset. 这我理解 你心情烦燥 所以你就吃
[04:54.88]Upset? l'm not upset.  What makes you think l'm upset. 心烦?  我没心烦 你怎么觉得我心烦
[05:00.96]So why are you so upset? 你到底心里在烦些什么?
