听电影学英语-功夫熊猫 09(在线收听

  [00:05.00]- That was scary.  - Yeah,so I'm like... "Fine,you may be a wolf, - 我是说  是呀 老狼 算你狠
[00:09.68]you may be the scariest bandit  in Haijin Province... 算你是人见人怕的大恶霸
[00:13.76]...but you're a lousy tipper.'' 可你给小费太小器啦
[00:15.40]Really? So how did you  get out of there alive? 真的吗? 那么你是怎么活着脱身的?
[00:18.60]l mean,l didn't actually say that... 其实我没真正说出来
[00:20.12]...but l thought it... 我就那么想的
[00:23.28]...in my mind. 只是心里想想
[00:24.60]lf he could read my mind,he'd be,like,''What?'' 要是他能看到我的心思  他会说 怕你啦
[00:27.16]Order up! Hope you like it. 请慢用  爱吃就好
[00:31.44]- This is really good!  - No,come on. 味道真是好极了  这算什么
[00:35.68]Try my dad's Secret lngredient Soup.  He actually knows the secret ingredient. 你们该尝尝我老爸的秘方仙汤  那是祖传秘方
[00:38.16]What do you mean? This is amazing! 你就别谦虚了  这可是极品
[00:42.04]- You're a really good cook.  - l wish my mouth was bigger. 你的厨艺一流  只可惜我的嘴太小
[00:45.04]Tigress,you've got to try this. 娇虎  你一定得尝尝
[00:46.92]lt is said that the Dragon Warrior  can survive for months 据说神龙大侠连着几个月不吃东西
[00:49.72]on nothing but the dew of ginkgo leaf  and the energy of the universe. 依然能生存  仅靠银杏叶的露珠和天地环宇之气
[00:56.40]l guess my body doesn't know  it's the Dragon Warrior yet. 我的身体还不知道自己是神龙大侠
[01:00.28]l'm gonna need a lot more  than dew and universe juice. 我可不能光靠露珠和那个环宇之气
[01:10.92]- What?  - Nothing... Master Shifu. 干嘛?  没什么 你像师父
[01:16.44]Never be the Dragon Warrior unless you  lose 500 pounds and brush your teeth! 你成不了神龙大侠  除非你减四百多斤肉  天天刷牙
[01:22.52]What is that noise you're making?  Laughter? l never heard of it! 你发什么怪声?  笑声?  我从来没听过
[01:24.52]Work hard,panda,and maybe someday... 好好练  熊猫  没准哪天
[01:27.16]...you will have ears like mine. 你会长出像我一样的耳朵
[01:32.16]That's good. 你真逗
[01:34.16]Ears. lt's not working for you?  l thought they were pretty good. 耳朵  不好笑吗? 挺好玩的
[01:37.12]lt's Shifu! 是师父
[01:38.92]Of course it's Shifu.  What do you think l'm doing? 当然是师父  我还能模仿谁?
[01:42.48]Master Shifu! 哦  是师父啊
[01:46.00]You think this is funny? 你们觉得这好玩?
[01:50.08]Tai Lung has escaped  and you're acting like children! 大龙从牢里逃出来了  你们还在这儿胡闹
[01:52.68]- What?  - He is coming for the Dragon Scroll, 什么?   他是来抢神龙秘笈的
[01:53.72]and you are the only one  who can stop him. 而你是唯一能阻止他的
[01:59.88]And l was saying  you got no sense of humor. 我刚才还说你不会幽默啦
[02:04.68]l'm gonna... stop Tai Lung. 我要阻止大龙
[02:05.16]What? You're serious? And l have to...? 你没开玩笑吧? 我要...哦 不
[02:11.96]Master Oogway will stop him,like he did before. 乌龟大师会阻止他  就像他上次那样
[02:12.12]Oogway cannot! 乌龟大师办不到
[02:14.28]Not anymore. 他不在了
[02:19.88]Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior. 我们唯一的希望就是神龙大侠
[02:21.96]- The panda?  - Yes,the panda! - 那熊猫? - 对  那熊猫
[02:22.76]Master,let us stop Tai Lung.  This is what you've trained us for. 求你了师父  让我们阻止大龙  你训练我们就为这个
[02:25.44]No! lt is not your destiny  to defeat Tai Lung. 不  打败大龙绝对不是你们的使命
[02:31.00]lt is his! 而是他的
[02:31.68]Where'd he go? 他哪儿去了?
[02:41.56]You cannot leave!  A real warrior never quits. 你不能逃跑  真正的大侠决不放弃
[02:43.04]Watch me. 那你看着
[02:47.72]Oome on. 现实点
[02:49.40]How am l supposed to beat Tai Lung?  l can't even beat you to the stairs. 我怎么能打败大龙?  我连逃跑都办不到
[02:53.00]You will beat him  because you are the Dragon Warrior. 你能打败他  因为你是神龙大侠
[02:56.24]You don't believe that.  You never believed that. 你根本不相信  你从来就不相信
[03:00.56]From the beginning,you've tried to get rid of me. 我一来到这儿 你就一直想赶我走
[03:03.84]Yes! l was. 是的  当初是

  [03:04.48]But now l ask you to trust in your  master as l have come to trust in mine. 可现在我要你相信你的师父  就像我相信我的乌龟大师
[03:11.28]You're not my master.  And l'm not the Dragon Warrior. 你不是我师父  我也不是什么神龙大侠
[03:14.52]Then why didn't you quit?! You knew  l wanted you gone,yet you stayed. 那你当初怎么不放弃  你明知道我想赶你走 可你留下了
[03:20.24]Yeah,l stayed. 对  我留下了
[03:22.52]l stayed because every time  you threw a brick at my head 我留下 是因为每次你踩我脑门
[03:25.88]or said l smelled,it hurt,but it could never hurt more 或者说我臭  我很伤心
[03:30.04]than it did every day  of my life just being me. 可是比这更伤心的 那就是至今我还是原来的我
[03:33.60]l stayed because l thought,if anyone could change me... 我留下 是因为我想 如果有谁能改变我...
[03:40.28]...could make me... not me... 让我变得不是我
[03:43.80]...it was you. 那人就是你
[03:44.20]The greatest kung fu teacher  in all of Ohina! 因为你是最伟大的功夫大师!
[03:47.36]But l can change you! 我的确能改变你
[03:48.04]l can turn you into the Dragon Warrior!  And l will! 我的确能把你变成神龙大侠  一定能
[03:53.44]Oome on. Tai Lung is  on his way here right now. 得了吧  大龙现在就要杀过来了
[03:57.72]Even if it takes him a hundred years  to get here,how are you... 就算他一百年才跑到这儿  你要怎么做...
[03:59.60]...gonna change this  into the Dragon Warrior? 才能把这堆肉变成神龙大侠? 啊?
[04:07.92]How? 怎么做?
[04:09.44]How? 怎么做?
[04:13.60]- How?!  - l don't know! - 说呀!? - 我不知道
[04:24.56]l don't know. 我不知道
[04:30.16]That's what l thought. 我就说嘛
