听电影学英语-邪恶新世界 15(在线收听

[00:04.52]Rick! 瑞克!

[00:08.08]- Rick! - Don't move! - 瑞克! - 别动!

[00:14.24]You just had to go for your happy ending. 你就要得到“幸福”的结局了

[00:16.16]- Well, let me tell you. - No sleeping! No sleeping! - 好吧,让我告诉你 - 别睡了!别睡了!

[00:18.52]This is your end... 这是你的结局

[00:21.44]but it ain't gonna be happy! 但你绝不会幸福!

[00:25.00]I'm gonna show you that dreams don't come true. 我要让你知道,美梦不会成真

[00:31.64]For years I've been letting you ruin my life! 这么多年来,我任由你破坏我的生活

[00:33.32]Well, no more! 不会再这样了!

[00:36.56]What life? The life you were gonna have with Sleeping Beauty over there? 什么生活?去那儿陪著睡美人?

[00:44.20]The dishwasher and the scullery maid! 洗碗工和女帮厨!

[00:48.28]You're gonna live happily never after! 你们永远不会幸福的!

[00:51.04]Ella! Push her into the portal! 瑞拉!把她推进传送门!

[00:58.12]The staff! 魔杖!

[01:04.88]- Oops. - You're not gonna need it anymore. - 哎呀 - 你不再需要它了

[01:18.76]She's gone. 她消失了!

[01:21.48]Nice punch, Ella. 打的好,瑞拉

[01:27.16]Rick! 瑞克!

[01:35.48]You're okay! 你没事了!

[01:41.08]Hang on a second. 等一下

[01:42.04]I thought you wanted a prince. 我以为你想要的是王子

[01:43.60]I had one all along. I just didn't know it. 我身边一直都有一个 只不过我不了解而已

[01:51.48]Like I always say, good triumphs over evil. 就像我常说的,正义战胜邪恶

[01:56.28]Isn't that so, precious sugar pie? 就那样吗,小心肝?

[01:59.96]How do you like that? 你觉得怎么样?

[02:02.12]It looks like Cinderella got her happy ending after all. 看起来灰姑娘终于得到了 属于她的幸福结局

[02:05.52]Not an ending... 不是结局

[02:08.80]a beginning. 而是个开始

[02:13.64]Well, let's get this place cleaned up. 好吧,我们一起把这里弄干净

[02:18.00]Before the boss gets home. 赶在老板回来之前

[02:26.80]So there you go. 好的

[02:28.16]Maybe it's not the Cinderella tale you're used to... 也许这不是你所熟知的灰姑娘童话

[02:31.28]but, personally, I like this one better. 但是,就我个人而言, 我更喜欢这个版本的

[02:38.92]Look, the prince even got to save the day in the end. 瞧,在最后王子甚至拯救了王国

[02:46.24]Well, at least that's what he thinks. 呃,最起码他自己这么认为

[02:56.08]And Rumpelstiltskin? 那个侏儒怪嘛

[02:58.08]- Well- - Open up. - 呃… - 张嘴

[03:02.28]He's "Uncle Rumpy" now. 他现在是“侏儒怪叔叔”

[03:09.68]Munk and Mambo had cleaned everything up. 蒙克和曼波已经把一切收拾干净了

[03:09.72]By the time the wizard came back... 当巫师回来的时候

[03:12.32]Are we ready? 准备好了吗?

[03:13.16]And Fairytale Land was back to normal. 童话世界已经再度恢复正常了

[03:24.92]Man, I can't believe it. 伙计,我简直不能相信

[03:25.24]3-iron into the short grass, perfect chip shot... 3杆就打到了短草坪上,完美的进洞

[03:28.40]and I blow my last putt. 然后我打了最后一杆

[03:30.40]Triple bogey. 三倍分数

[03:36.28]- Any problems? - Problems? No. No problems. - 有什么麻烦吗? - 麻烦?没有,没什么麻烦

[03:37.52]Come on. Everything went pretty smooth. 快点,所有的事都很顺利

[03:41.64]Oh, yes. Every story had an ending. 哦,是的,每一个故事都有…结局

[03:47.00]Good. 很好

[03:49.00]But I gotta say, this is my favorite part of the story. 但是我想说,这个故事中我最喜欢这部分

[03:52.68]I guess an ordinary guy can get a happy ending. 我猜一个普通人也能得到幸福结局

[03:55.32]Pretty nice, huh? 很不错,不是吗?

[03:59.24]And you know who paid for everything? 你知道是谁替婚礼买单的吗?

[04:01.00]The prince. He's not such a bad guy after all. 王子,原来他人并不坏

[04:08.96]So what does "happily ever after" really mean? 那么“从此以后过著幸福的生活” 到底意味著什么

[04:10.36]Beats me. 你可问倒我了

[04:13.92]But, you know, I think we're gonna find out. 但是,你知道,我想我们会找出答案的


[05:23.60]Back! Back! 退后!退后!

[05:25.48]Bad creature! And back, you! 坏东西!退后,你们!

[05:29.76]All of you, get back! 你们,都给我退后!

[05:35.24]I'm the empress of evil! 我是邪恶女王!

[09:29.76]Yeah, yeah! 是的,是的!
