听电影学英语-百万美元宝贝 04(在线收听

  [00:02.62]And he's constantly moving. 他在不停地移动

  [00:05.46]He's moving towards you, around you, away from you. AII right? 冲着你,绕着你 远离你,明白吗?

  [00:09.02]Don't hit him when he's coming towards you because he's just gonna push you back... 不要在他向你移动的时候击打他 因为他会把你向后推...

  [00:12.86]...he's gonna smother your punches and take your balance, right? ...化解你的击打 让你失去平衡,对吗?

  [00:17.86]So you watch him real carefully. 所以你要小心的注视他

  [00:18.66]Keep rotating. That keeps your head moving. 不停转动 这样你的头就一直在动

  [00:22.54]And keep one shoulder back so you're always ready to fire a power shot. 一个肩膀放在后侧 这样你随时可以打出一记重拳

  [00:26.14]Right? Go ahead, now. Good, good. Keep rotating, keep moving. That's it. 对吗?来,好,好 不停旋转,不停移动,好

  [00:30.06]Good, good. Keep that chin tucked in. 好,下巴收住

  [00:36.14]Come on around. Keep moving, keep moving. 继续 不停移动,不停移动

  [00:36.66]-Good, good, good. -Like that? - 好,好,好 - 象这样?

  [00:41.02]Yeah. Give it a few shots. 对,给它几下

  [00:44.02]Tuck that chin in, now. Tuck that chin in. 下巴收住 下巴收住

  [00:49.18]Yeah, that's good. That's good. 非常好,很好

  [00:49.66]Now, you get this down, we'II put you on the speed bag. 等练完这个 我们就安排你打梨球

  [00:55.90]You do have a speed bag. 你有梨球吧

  [01:11.14]I'II just borrow it till I can buy my own. 我有钱买自己的之前先借用一下

  [01:13.06]AII right, you go on home now. 好,那你回家吧

  [01:14.14]-I'II walk out with you? -No, I am home. - 我和你一起出去? - 不用,这里就是我家

  [01:17.30]-Wanna see? -Yeah. - 想看看吗? - 嗯

  [01:29.02]It's nice. 挺好的

  [01:33.54]Would it bother you if I worked a Iittle Ionger? 我再打一会儿会不会打扰您?

  [01:34.50]No, just pull the door closed when you Ieave. 不会,走的时候把门关好就行了

  [01:40.66]Thank you. 谢谢

  [01:58.94]If there's magic in boxing... 如果拳击运动中有诀窍的话...

  [02:03.34]...it's the magic of fighting battles beyond endurance... ...那么这种诀窍就是不停战斗 超越耐力的极限...

  [02:06.30]...beyond cracked ribs, ruptured kidneys and detached retinas. ...超越折断的肋骨 破裂的肾脏,和脱落的视网膜

  [02:21.54]It's the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody sees but you. 这种诀窍是 为了别人无法了解的梦想而赌上一切

  [02:36.94]Okay, okay, fellas, watch the footwork. 好了,好了,伙计们 看好脚步

  [02:39.42]Hey, that's it. That's it. 嘿,对了,对了

  [02:40.18]Hands up. 手举起来

  [02:44.30]Jab, jab, jab. 刺,刺,刺

  [03:00.10]Hey, FIip. 嘿,冒失鬼

  [03:02.26]Hey, FIippy, come here, man. 嘿,冒失鬼,过来

  [03:02.90]I think I found somebody you can beat. 我想我找到一个你能打败的人

  [03:10.22]I don't fights women. 我不和女人打

  [03:13.22]Why not, bro? It's perfect, bro, because you know why? 为什么不,兄弟?太合适你了 你知道为什么吗?

  [03:15.98]Because she-- Like, you, you could fight to him... 因为她--就象你 你可以和他打...

  [03:18.18]...and then you could kiss to him. ...然后可以亲亲他

  [03:19.50]Then you fight to him one more time. 然后你还可以再跟他打一次

  [03:21.66]That's beautiful, man. That's Iike poetry. 听起来真美啊,哥们儿 象一首诗

  [03:24.02]-It's Iike poetry. -You been reading and shit. - 象一首诗 - 你他妈墨水不少啊

  [03:27.90]-Thanks, bro. -That's a girl, man? - 谢了兄弟 - 伙计,这是个女人?

  [03:30.10]FIip, I think you right. Look at her Iittle bitty titties. They're Iike mosquito bites. 冒失鬼,我想你是对的 看看她的小奶子,就象蚊子咬的包

  [03:33.26]Man, that's barely even a mouthful. Let me see. 靠,一嘴都含不满 让我看看

  [03:35.58]Saw your Iast fight, Shawrelle. 我看了你上一场比赛,谢瑞尔

  [03:39.78]Spent so much time face down, I thought the canvas had titties. 大多数时间脸都朝下 我还意味地板长了奶子呢

  [03:46.22]Canvas has titties. Hey, Iook at me. I'm Shawrelle. 地板长了奶子 嘿,看看我,我是谢瑞尔

  [04:00.34]Just humping the canvas. Humping the floor. 跟拳台做啊 跟地板做啊

  [04:05.18]Come on, bro. The floor having titties? That's funny, bro. 靠,兄弟,地板长了奶子? 挺搞笑的,兄弟

  [04:07.10]Shut up, man. What you Iaughing at? 闭嘴吧你 你们笑什么呢

  [04:12.94]Man, hold the bag, stupid. 哥们儿,扶住沙袋,傻瓜

  [04:14.54]Some titties right there, man. 那边有奶子啊,哥们儿

  [04:17.94]Yo, when they start making those tights for men, FIippy? 冒失鬼,他们什么时候 开始做男式紧身裤了?

  [04:22.82]Punk. 废物

  [04:24.90]AII right, that's enough. That's enough for the day. 好了,足够了 今天足够了

  [04:30.14]-I'II give you a rubdown. -Oh, I can't, Frankie. - 我给你按摩一下 - 噢,我没时间,弗兰基

  [04:32.06]Middle one's got a piano Iesson. I told Grace I'd drive her. 孩子有钢琴课 我跟格蕾斯说我去送她

  [04:36.02]-Something wrong with Gracie's car? -She hates that car. - 格蕾斯的车坏了? - 她讨厌那辆车

  [04:40.10]Wants the old one back, but the dealer said he's already got a buyer. 想把那辆旧车要回来 可是卖车的说他已经有买家了

  [04:41.98]Maybe I should talk to the dealer. 我也许应该和卖车的谈谈

  [04:44.58]I'd appreciate that. 那我真是感激不尽

  [04:48.82]-Thanks. -See you Iater. - 谢谢 - 回头见

  [04:59.98]The man's a rubdown whore. Today he doesn't want one. 那家伙按摩成瘾 今天他不想按摩
