听电影学英语-百万美元宝贝 12(在线收听

[00:04.32]-How you doing? -Me? - 你怎么样? - 我?
[00:08.84]-Yeah, you. -I'm not the one who's hurt. - 对,你 - 我又没有受伤
[00:15.20]Broken nose don't hurt that much. 鼻子断了并不是那么受伤
[00:16.48]Why are you telling me that? 为什么你要告诉我这个?
[00:22.36]But some wounds are too deep or too close to the bone. 可有些伤太深了 或是离骨头太近
[00:28.52]And no matter how hard you work at it, you just can 't stop the bleeding. 不管你如何努力,都不能止血
[00:32.20]-Did you write your daughter? -Every week. - 你给你女儿写信了么? - 每周都写
[00:36.84]I've no idea why you come to church. 我真不明白你为什么要来教堂
[01:11.64]After her 1 2th straight knockout, Frankie got a couple of real good offers. 在连续十二场比赛击倒对手胜出后 弗兰基得到几个非常不错的邀请
[01:19.72]The first was to fight Billie "The Blue Bear" Osterman... 第一个邀请是和 “兰熊”比丽 奥斯特曼...
[01:21.80]...for the WBA welterweight title. ...争夺WBA次中量级头衔
[01:27.04]Billie "The BIue Bear." “兰熊”比丽
[01:28.92]Billie was a former prostitute out of East Berlin. 比丽原来是东柏林的妓女
[01:30.12]Had a reputation for being the dirtiest fighter in the ranks. 她是这个级别里 手法最肮脏的拳手,臭名远扬
[01:54.60]Didn 't seem to matter to her... 她看起来一点也不在乎...
[02:00.16]And the crowds loved her. 观众喜欢她
[02:05.72]He turned it down without even telling her. 他没告诉她就把这场比赛拒绝了.
[02:06.28]The next was to fight the British champ... 下一个邀请是去挑战英国冠军
[02:10.00]-...a Jamaican girl Billie just beat. -Hello? - 一个刚被比丽击败的牙买加女孩 - 喂?
[02:14.40]Not interested. 不感兴趣
[02:18.76]He turned that down too. 他也没接受那个邀请
[02:22.72]That' s a Iot of money, boss. 可是很大一笔钱哪,老板
[02:26.60]Yeah, you ' re making money. What are you still working here for? 是啊,你挣钱了 为什么还在这里工作?
[02:29.16]It's a title match, right? 那是冠军赛,对吧?
[02:30.64]Are you British? It's a title you can't take away. 你是英国人么? 那个冠军你拿不走的
[02:34.32]She's got nothing to Iose, you got nothing to win. 她没什么好输的 你也没什么好赢的
[02:38.84]Might still be a good fight. 很可能仍然是一场不错的比赛呢
[02:40.80]Yeah, I just-- I just brought you up to welterweight. 是啊,我刚把你升上次中量级
[02:46.60]Too good to fight these contenders, you'd rather fight some bullshit champ? 能和跟你水平相当的选手打就不错了 还想他妈去挑战那些冠军?
[02:49.16]Didn't notice I was fighting any contenders. 我没发现有和我水平相当的选手啊
[02:52.36]Well, you can get yourself another manager any time you want. 如果你想的话 随时可以换经理
[02:57.44]In fact, if you'd Iearn to protect your face a Iittle better... 实际上,如果你有能力 把自己的脸保护得好一点的话...
[03:00.72]...I wouldn't have to turn down this money. ...我才不会拒绝这笔钱呢
[03:06.24]My face is out there so much it's a miracle I haven't been knocked out yet. 我的脸暴露出那么多 可还没被击倒过,真是个奇迹
[03:38.36]No, you can't work here anymore tonight. 你今晚不要继续训练了
[03:43.96]I made us a reservation. 我定了位子
[03:44.52]You might wanna shower. 你去洗个澡吧
[04:10.44]Here you go. 你的
[04:10.76]Here you go. 你的
[04:14.24]What's this? 这是什么?
[04:15.72]Well, it ain't no big secret what you're wishing for. 你想要的东西 这不是什么秘密
[04:19.08]Go on and blow. 把蜡烛吹了
[04:26.56]Thank you. 谢谢你
[04:31.92]Thirty-three ain't so old. 33岁不算大的
[04:35.88]I was still fighting at 39. 我39岁的时候还在参赛
[04:40.40]Fought for 23 years. 我打了23年
[04:44.52]How's it going, Scrap? 最近怎么样,斯科雷普
[04:48.84]Doing good, Mickey. 不错,米奇
[04:50.80]Doing good. 不错
[04:54.60]-What'II you have? -Coffee. - 你要什么? - 咖啡
