听电影学英语-百万美元宝贝 13(在线收听

[00:02.76]You two not speaking? 你们两个不讲话?
[00:04.56]Don't hardly know him. 不太认识他
[00:12.28]I met Frankie right after my 37th birthday. 我在37岁生日之后遇到了弗兰基
[00:15.24]He was picking up cut work. 那时他干的工作是给拳手包扎伤口
[00:20.36]He used to patch me up when I thought it was impossible. 我认为不可能的时候 他总能给我包扎好
[00:25.52]Good man to have in your corner. 有他在赛场边真不错
[00:28.28]Yes, he is. 是啊
[00:30.28]He stayed with me through my Iast fight in San Berdu. 我最后一次比赛,在圣伯蒂诺 他也陪了我全场
[00:34.32]My manager was off getting drunk somewhere... 我的经理喝醉了,不知所踪
[00:38.32]...and it was just Frankie and me. 只有我和弗兰基
[00:44.68]I was taking a hellacious beating. 我被打得晕头转向
[00:49.76]Everybody's got a particular number of fights in him. 每个人最多能参加多少比赛 都有个数字
[00:53.92]Nobody tells you what that number is. 没人告诉你那个数字是多少
[00:57.40]Mine was 1 09. 我的是109场
[01:01.48]I just didn't want to admit it. 我只是不愿承认
[01:05.60]Fourth round, this... 第四回合
[01:08.76]...cut opens up. 这里被打开了口子
[01:10.36]BIood starts pouring into my eye. 鲜血拥进我的眼睛里
[01:14.20]They should've stopped the fight, but, hell, I was a black man in San Berdu. 他们本应该终止那场比赛的 但是,妈的,我是个在圣伯蒂诺的黑人
[01:18.88]BIood was what I was there for. 我到那里就是去流血的
[01:22.00]Round after round, I kept getting Frankie to patch me up. 一回合接着一回合 我不断地让弗兰基给我包扎
[01:26.24]...but he ain't my manager, he can't throw in nothing. ...但他不是我的经理人 什么也不能扔
[01:26.56]He's talking about throwing in the towel... 他想扔毛巾认输...
[01:31.72]Round after round... 一回合接着一回合...
[01:35.48]...he's arguing with me. ...他一直跟我争吵
[01:38.28]And I'm almost Iaughing because, hell, it's getting more to him than to me. 我几乎是在笑他,因为,妈的 好象是打在他身上似的
[01:43.32]I go 1 5 rounds... 我打了15回合
[01:47.60]Next morning, I Iose the eye. 第二天早上,我的眼睛没了
[01:52.08]In 23 years, he's never said a thing about it. 23年来,他从来没说起过这件事
[01:57.96]Doesn't have to. I can see it in his face every time he Iooks at me. 没这个必要 每次他看我,我都能从他的脸上读出来
[02:02.60]Somehow... 某种程度上
[02:04.68]...Frankie thinks he should've stopped that fight... 弗兰基认为自己应该终止那场比赛
[02:09.80]...should've saved my eye. 可以挽救我的眼睛
[02:13.08]Spends his Iife wishing he could take back that 1 09th fight. 他一生都希望能收回那第109场比赛
[02:17.84]I wanted to go to 1 1 0. 但我却想参加第110场
[02:23.00]Thing is... 重点是
[02:24.52]...if you wanna get to the title... 如果你想取得冠军
[02:28.08]...maybe he's not the one to take you there. 也许他并不是最好人选
[02:35.72]You tell Mr. Mack we'd be here tonight? 你告诉了麦克先生我们今晚会来这里?
[02:41.92]You go on, eat your cupcake. 继续吃你的蛋糕吧
[02:42.56]No, I got it. 不用了,我来吧
[02:51.64]It's the rule. 这就是规矩
[02:54.92]Always protect yourself. 随时保护自己
[02:57.80]People never take their own advice. 人们从不采纳自己的意见
[03:00.80]If she was gonna leave Frankie, better she did it to him then. 如果她要离开弗兰基 最好当时就做
[03:08.32]Mr. Mickey Mack? 米奇 麦克先生?
[03:10.84]I'm Maggie Fitzgerald. 我是麦琪 菲斯杰拉德
[03:12.40]I hear you're a real good manager, doing good things for Big Willie. 我听说你是非常好的经理人 给大个子威利做的很不错
[03:19.08]But I thought you should know I ain't never Ieaving Mr. Dunn... 但我想你该知道 我是不会离开邓先生的
[03:23.12]...so you don't need to make any more excuses to bump into me. 所以你不需要再找借口好遇见我了
[03:28.28]Sorry for interrupting your dinner. 不好意思打搅你吃饭了
[03:34.80]Maggie always did like taking them out in the first round. 麦琪总是喜欢刚一交手 就把对手击倒
[04:13.16]The letters always came back marked the same way: 寄出的信总是原样退回:
[04:17.32]"Return to sender. " 上面写着“退还发件人”
[04:48.24]I ' II make you some coffee. 我给你准备点咖啡
[04:51.28]What are you doing with your money? 你打算拿你的钱干些什么?
[04:54.32]-Saving it. -Good girl. - 存起来 - 好孩子
[04:58.08]You know, you save enough of it, you ought to get yourself a Iittle house. 你知道,如果存够了就可以买座小房
