AP 2011-06-29(在线收听

1. Michelle Bachmann is set to kick off a presidential campaign.The Minnesota Congresswoman will make  a formal announcement in her hometown of Waterloo ,Iowa before moving on to campaign starts from New Hampshire and  South Carolina.

2. President Barack Obama is joining talks on striking  a deal on spending cuts and raising the government debt limit. He will hold separate meetings with Senate majority leader Harry Raid and Republican leader  Mitch McConnell  at the White House.

3. Flood waters from Souris River are begining to receed slowly in North Dakota.But officials warned that it may not want to be clear of the danger until the water falls  significantly  later this week. Some 4000 homes were damaged by the flooding.

4. Federal records reviewed by Associated Press show the spotty  body  records for the Nevada truck company involved in the  deadly crash with a  Amtrak train. Authorities have previously said John Davis Trucking  Company of Battle Mountain  for crashes and  unsafe driving. A driver for the company drove a truck through a crossing gate and  into two-double-deckle cars Friday , killing him and five others on the train.
