CNN 2011-06-07(在线收听

First up, we're looking at some of today's headlines, starting with tornadoes in Massachusetts. Several twisters hit the state on Wednesday, and Springfield -- one of the largest cities in Massachusetts -- was hit badly. At least two tornadoes touched down there. You can see some of the damage that was left behind. At least four people were killed. Dozens of other people were injured. Rescue workers were going door-to-door early Thursday looking for survivors. This could be a record year for tornadoes, but you don't see too many of them up in Massachusetts. That's part of the reason why these storms made such an impact.

And magnitude, when you see those houses flattened, really hits you. In 45 years of public service, I have never seen this kind of damage or devastation in Massachusetts. And as many of the residents said to me, "This is Massachusetts, this isn't supposed to happen here." And it never has to our recollection.

For a while now, U.S. nutrition standards have been based off different versions of the food pyramid. A lot of people say the pyramid was too confusing. So yesterday, officials ditched the pyramid for a plate. It's called "MyPlate," and it's the government's new standard for nutrition. About half of the plate, half of what the government says people should be eating, is made up of fruits and vegetables. Whole grains and lean protein make up the other half, with a side of dairy. Officials hope that simplifying the standards this way will help Americans eat better. A lot of health experts agree it's better than the old pyramid. But some say that the new MyPlate doesn't give people enough information to make the best choices.
