澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2009-12-02(在线收听

The Coalition is poised to vote down the government's proposed emissions trading scheme in the Senate. It's expected most Coalition senators will oppose the bills in line with the wishes of their new leader, Tony Abbott. Some Liberals are contemplating crossing the floor, but not enough to pass the scheme. Rejection of the bill will give the government a double dissolution election trigger.

US President Barack Obama is to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan and deploy them within six months. Mr. Obama will make the much-anticipated announcement as part of the speech to the nation at West Point Military Academy. He is also expected to lay out a rough time frame for how long the main US military mission will last.

And the author of the Stern Report on climate change says the climate skeptics and deniers are turning up the heat ahead of the Copenhagen meeting. But British economist Sir Nicolas Stern says that doesn't mean the quality of their arguments has improved. He's told the ABC there may be fluctuations in the climate in the short term, but the trend of global warming is clear. 
I will be back with more news in an hour, or you can watch our website anytime. It's abc.net.au/news. Bye for now
