Citizen Journalism(在线收听

   NB: This is not a word for word transcript

  Stephen: Hello, I'm Stephen.
  Rob: And I'm Rob.
  Stephen: And this is 6 Minute English! This week we’re talking about citizen
  Rob: Citizen journalism – that’s when people who aren’t trained journalists write or
  report about their experiences or use social media, like Facebook or Twitter, to
  broadcast their messages.
  Stephen: Over the last few weeks, media companies have published a large number of
  videos, photos, phone calls and blogs from citizen journalists in countries
  where protests have been taking place, and there aren’t many – or any -
  traditional journalists. But as usual, I’m going to start with a question for you,
  Rob: OK, I’m ready.
  Stephen: Which of these six countries, according to figures from internet world stats, has
  the largest percentage of people using the internet?
  Rob: The largest percentage of people who use the internet. OK. Have got you any
  Stephen: Well, your six countries are South Korea, Japan, the US, the UK, India or
  Rob: Hmm…let me think. I would say South Korea.
  Stephen: Well, I won’t tell you the answer just yet. We can find out at the end of the
  programme. So let’s talk about citizen journalism. Could citizen journalists
  ever replace traditional journalists? Peter Barron, the Director of External
  Relations at Google, says there has been a massive democratisation in access
  to information.
  Rob: A massive democratisation – that's when people all over the world can access
  information on the internet, and use the same tools to publish information
  Insert 1: Peter Barron, Director of External Relations, Google
  The point here is that there has been a massive democratisation in access to information
  and the ability to publish information – so everybody these days can be a publisher.
  What you’ve seen time and time again, is that the very high quality material rises to the
  top and becomes a trusted brand, alongside the trusted brands that already exist.
  Stephen: Peter Barron from Google believes that the best quality blogs will become as
  trusted as media companies - media brands - which already have a good
  Rob: Very high quality material rises to the top – the best blogs will become as
  popular as traditional broadcasters or newspapers.
  Stephen: Alan Rusbridger is the editor of the Guardian newspaper in the UK. He says
  that traditional journalists will always be needed to make sense of large
  amounts of information, something which citizen journalists might not be able
  to do. He uses the example of Wikileaks.
  Insert 1: Alan Rusbridger, Editor, The Guardian
  The case of Wikilieaks was an excellent one; 300 million words would have been
  completely meaningless if it had been dumped on the internet, as well as being
  completely unsafe. It took months of Guardian, New York Times, Der Spiegel
  journalists going through and finding the stories, redacting them and making sense of
  them. So the journalist still has a valuable role as mediator, analyser and finder and
  verifier of stories.
  Stephen: Alan Rusbridger, editor of the Guardian newspaper, who gives the example of
  Wikileaks, where he says 300 million words, dumped on the internet, would
  have been completely meaningless if journalists hadn’t been able to go
  through them.
  Rob: To go through them – finding stories and checking them. He says the journalist
  has a valuable role as mediator, analyser, finder and verifier of stories.
  Stephen: Journalists need to check stories – to verify them, to check they are safe to
  publish and that they are true. Anne McElvoy from the Economist magazine
  says that citizen journalism hasn’t really been tested yet. It’s a very valuable
  source when the story is on the street, but not when we, the readers, listeners or
  viewers, aren’t sure which side we should be on.
  Rob: Whose side we should be on - who we support. When it is clear whose side
  we should be on, citizen journalists are very valuable, but when we don’t
  really know what’s going on, we need the traditional skills of journalists to
  analyse material to help us understand. She says ‘we rely on the trade’ -
  meaning the trade of the traditional journalist.
  Insert 3: Anne McElvoy
  Citizen journalism hasn’t really been tested yet; we’re writing a lot about it and
  reflecting on it. But really, what we’ve seen is it being very active and also being a very
  valuable source, I should say, but in situations where we kind of know, generally, which
  side we are on. We know that the story is on the street. I think citizen journalism will
  have a much tougher time when we have situations - which will arise - when we’re really
  not sure which side should have the upper hand, or, indeed, what’s really going on. And
  that’s an area where I think you do rely a bit on the old trade to have analysis skills and
  to help you out there.
  Stephen: Anne McElvoy talking about citizen journalists. So, before we go today, Rob –
  which of those six countries did you guess has the highest internet penetration?
  That’s the highest percentage of population who are online.
  Rob: OK. Well, I said South Korea. Am I right?
  Stephen: Actually it’s the UK – followed by South Korea, then Germany, Japan, the US,
  China and finally India.
  Rob: Well I never!
  Stephen: And a chance to hear some of the words and phrases we heard in the
  programme today. Would you mind, Rob?
  Rob: OK, we heard:
  citizen journalism
  social media
  to publish
  media brands
  to go through them
  hasn’t really been tested yet
  valuable source
  Stephen: Thanks for that, Rob.
  Rob: You’re welcome.
  Stephen: Well, that’s all we have time for today - we’ll have more "6 Minute English"
  next time.
  Rob: Bye for now!
  Stephen: Bye!