听歌学英语:The Closest Thing To Crazy-Katie Melua(在线收听

听歌学英语:The Closest Thing To Crazy-Katie Melua

大家好,今天我们一起学习Katie Meluar 的The Closest Thing To Crazy 《几近疯狂的感觉》,这首浪漫至性的恋曲,以少女的口吻将恋爱中那种举棋不定的不安娓娓道来。

Katie Melua 拥有一种独特的嗓音,首支单曲〈The Closest Thing To Crazy〉浪漫至性,以少女的口吻娓娓道来,加上弦乐的编曲,那种举棋不定的不安自然征服人心。

[00:05.92]Listen and Share
[00:10.86]Katie Meluar
[00:12.12]The Closest Thing To Crazy
[00:23.06]How can I think I'm standing strong
[00:29.27]Yet feel the air beneath my feet?
[00:36.18]How can happiness feel so wrong?
[00:42.77]How can misery feel so sweet?
[00:50.19]How can you let me watch you sleep
[00:56.29]Then break my dreams the way you do?
[01:03.15]How can I have got in so deep?
[01:09.81]Why did I fall in love with you?
[01:16.34]This is the closest thing to crazy I have ever been
[01:23.74]Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen
[01:31.12]This is the nearest thing to crazy I have ever known
[01:38.64]I was never crazy on my own
[01:44.83]And now I know that there's a link between the two
[01:54.65]Being close to craziness and being close to you
[02:15.05]How can you make me fall apart
[02:21.15]Then break my fall with loving lies?
[02:28.06]It's so easy to break a heart
[02:34.63]It's so easy to close your eyes
[02:42.06]How can you treat me like a child
[02:48.89]Yet like a child I yearn from you?
[02:55.87]How can anyone feel so wild?
[03:02.60]How can anyone feel so blue?
[03:08.95]This is the closest thing to crazy I have ever been
[03:16.42]Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen
[03:23.97]This is the nearest thing to crazy I have ever known
[03:31.33]I was never crazy on my own
[03:37.51]And now I know that there's a link between the two
[03:47.48]Being close to craziness and being close to you
[04:31.70]How can I think I'm standing strong
[04:34.82]Yet feel the air beneath my feet?
[04:58.04]How can happiness feel so wrong?
[05:00.90]How can misery feel so sweet?
[05:08.12]misery 痛苦
[05:14.44]The rain storm brought misery to thousands of people
[05:34.99]How can you let me watch you sleep
[05:37.02]Then break my dreams the way you do?
[05:58.21]How can I have got in so deep?
[06:00.50]Why did I fall in love with you?
[06:22.88]This is the closest thing to crazy I have ever been
[06:26.11]Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen
[06:35.47]Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen
[06:45.61]act happy
[07:17.53]This is the nearest thing to crazy I have ever known
[07:21.04]I was never crazy on my own
[07:47.87]And now I know that there's a link between the two
[07:50.57]Being close to craziness and being close to you
[08:00.78]Being close to craziness
[08:14.73]Being close to craziness
[08:34.01]How can you make me fall apart?
[08:35.90]Then break my fall with loving lies?
[08:43.70]fall apart
[08:46.64]倒塌, 散架
[08:49.24]My car is falling apart
[08:54.40]falling apart
[09:12.30]It's so easy to break a heart
[09:15.05]It's so easy to close your eyes
[09:35.51]How can you treat me like a child?
[09:37.65]Yet like a child I yearn from you?
[09:56.21]yearn for home
[10:00.37]yearn to see an old friend
[10:17.10]How can anyone feel so wild?
[10:19.78]How can anyone feel so blue?
[10:27.08]feel so blue
[10:37.14]blue Monday
[10:43.09]blue film
[10:47.04]blues  爵士乐--布鲁斯
[11:08.66]This is the closest thing to crazy I have ever been
[11:12.46]Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen
[11:36.26]This is the nearest thing to crazy I have ever known
[11:39.55]I was never crazy on my own
[12:05.46]And now I know that there's a link between the two
[12:08.40]Being close to craziness and being close to you
