澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2011-02-10(在线收听

 Today, some Perth residents who had their homes destroyed by a bushfire say they don't hold a grudge against the man who's now accused of starting that fire. An off-duty policeman is being charged with causing the bushfire that destroyed those homes on the city's outskirts. It's believed a spark from an angle grinder that he was using started the blaze. He'll face court next month.

There are reports around this morning-that at least three people have died and up to 100 have been injured when police opened fire on protesters in southern Egypt. The unrest is now spreading beyond the country's main cities. Hundreds of anti-government protesters are blocking the entrance to Egypt's parliament in Cairo, and thousands more protesters remain camped out in Tahrir Square despite government demands they go home. 
Three car bombs have exploded in quick succession in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk. At least eight people have been killed and dozens more have been injured. All three blasts targeted at local police. A Sunni militant group is being blamed for those attacks.
Italian prosecutors have requested the country's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi be immediately put on trial over sex charges. Mr Berlusconi is accused of paying an underage prostitute for sex, and then using his position to try and cover that up. A judge in Milan will now decide if there's enough evidence to bring the case to court.
And the dispute between Qantas and its pilots is threatening to disrupt the airline's international flights. Talks over a new enterprise bargaining agreement have broken down after six months of negotiations. 