听电影学英语-好运之人 10(在线收听

  [00:01.10]Have a picnic. 去野餐
  [00:01.60]No. 不
  [00:45.06]Denver, Colorado. 丹佛市 科罗拉多州
  [01:01.42]Where are we? 我们到哪了?
  [01:01.94]What are you doing? 你在干什么?
  [01:03.54]You'll see. 等着瞧吧
  [01:27.42]It's a good one. 是个好东西
  [01:30.26]I know a guy who'd come over here right now and give you ten grand for it. 有个我认识的人一会就过来 会用1万块买下它
  [01:30.54]10 grand? 1万块?
  [01:32.46]10 grand. 1万块
  [01:34.82]But... 但是...
  [01:36.02]it looks like someone just got 22 at auction. 好像刚刚有人出价出到两万二了
  [01:42.10]$22,000? 两万二啊?
  [01:47.30]It's a very special instrument you've got there. 你拿来的是把非常特别的乐器
  [01:48.18]Yes, sir. 是的 先生
  [01:54.82]Jeez. 呀
  [01:55.74]$22,000! 两万二千块啊!
  [01:57.78]You didn't believe me. 你原先不相信我
  [02:03.38]No, I thought it was just a stolen guitar. 不 我原以为只是把偷来的吉他
  [02:04.74]It's not stolen. 它不是偷来的
  [02:06.14]It belonged to his daddy. 是他爸爸的
  [02:09.26]But he stole something, right? 但他偷过别的 对吧?
  [02:09.82]Yeah, he robbed a casino. 是 他抢了一个赌场
  [02:10.90]Lucky Jim's. 幸运的吉姆(英国一部讽刺小说)
  [02:12.60]Walked in there by himself, 一个人进去
  [02:14.42]That's right. 没错
  [02:15.82]and he walked out with $50,000. 带着5万块出来
  [02:18.26]So Randy was, like, a bad ass, right? 这么说Randy是个 比如 坏蛋 对吗?
  [02:22.14]Yeah. 没错
  [02:24.34]He was a good person, too, you know. 他还是好人 你知道吗
  [02:25.94]- He just robbed a little bit, is that it?  - Hello? - 他只是偷了一点东西 是不是?  - 你好?
  [02:29.02]- Hey, Scott.  - Why'd he start robbing? - 嘿 Scott  - 他为什么抢劫?
  [02:33.58]He just got, you know, into a little bit of trouble. 他只是 你瞧 碰到了一点困难
  [02:36.10]Well, your mom and me have... 哦 你妈妈和我有点...
  [02:38.54]some things we have to sort out. 有点事情必须要解决
  [02:46.22]No, no, it has nothing to do with that. 不 不 和那个没关系
  [02:48.10]You're going to Stanford. 你去斯坦福大学上学
  [02:49.02]We're gonna get you to Stanford. 我们会送你上斯坦福大学的
  [02:51.90]No. 不
  [02:55.54]No, no, no. That is not a good idea. 不 不 不 那样不好
  [02:59.06]No. Do not do that. 别 别那么做
  [03:00.22]I will get you the money. 我会给你筹到钱
  [03:01.70]I will take care of it. I said I will and I will. 我来想办法 我说我能就一定能
  [03:03.62]Promise me you will not do that. 跟我保证 你不会那么做
  [03:10.46]All right. 好
  [03:14.22]I'll call you later. 我再打给你
  [03:19.10]All right. And... 好了 还有...
  [03:20.62]I love you. 我爱你
  [03:21.62]Fuck. 妈的
  [03:27.18]So what's up? 怎么了?
  [03:29.38]Kid thinks he's got it all figured out. 这孩子以为这一切他都能搞定
  [03:32.46]He's gonna get the money by enlisting in the fucking Army. 他想通过去当什么狗屁兵而挣钱
  [03:36.14]$20,000 signing bonus, 两万块的入伍奖金
  [03:38.02]has to put off college for God knows how many years, 大学只能往后推延 老天都不知道多少年
  [03:40.58]but he's okay with that. 但他觉得挺好
  [03:42.26]Well, that sounds like a pretty good idea. 哦 听起来是个不错的主意
  [03:45.46]That is not a good idea. 不是个好主意
  [03:45.86]They'll send him right over there. 他们会把他派去那儿(他们三个回来的地方)
  [03:48.86]I'm not gonna let that happen. 我不会让他这么做
  [03:51.34]Maybe he could go to a state school. 也许他可以上个公立学校
  [03:54.38]No. You got a shot at Stanford, 不行 你考到一个斯坦福大学的分数
  [03:55.70]Exactly. 没错
  [03:57.18]you go to Stanford. 就必须去斯坦福上学
  [04:00.06]The problem is you can't go there for free, you know. 问题是你不能免费去
  [04:06.42]I gotta get the money. Get the money. 我会筹到钱 我会的
  [04:08.34]I'm gonna just... I'll get the money. 我只是要... 我要弄到钱
  [04:16.86]I'm worried about you, Cheaver. 我为你担心 Cheaver
  [04:22.02]If you're so worried about him, why don't you give him that guitar of yours? 如果你那么关心他 为什么不把你的吉他给他?
  [04:22.42]I'll figure something out. 我会想到办法的
  [04:26.50]What? I can't give him Randy's guitar. 什么? 我不能把Randy的吉他给他
  [04:27.58]Why not? It's a stolen guitar. 为什么不能? 只是个偷来的吉他
  [04:30.26]It's not stolen. 它不是偷来的
  [04:33.38]It belongs to his family. 是他家族传下来的
  [04:34.86]Besides, I mean, I don't see the problem, you know. 另外 我是说 我不认为有多难
  [04:39.26]I enlisted and I went over there. 我也参过军 我也去了那儿
  [04:40.82]Yeah, but what choice did you have? 是啊 你有得选么?
  [04:44.10]And if I was gonna sell the guitar, don't you think I'd use it 如果真要卖这吉他 你认为我就不会用来
  [04:47.58]to pay for my own goddamn college? 交我的大学学费么?
  [04:48.26]Yeah, but it wouldn't be Stanford. 行啊 但肯定不是斯坦福
  [04:49.06]You don't know that. 你又不了解
  [04:53.46]Come on, the guy's gonna kill himself if you don't give him that guitar. 别这样 你不给吉他 他得自杀了
  [04:55.54]I'm not gonna kill myself, and I don't need your guitar. 我不会自杀 也不需要你的吉他
  [04:58.14]All right, what are you gonna do then? 那行 接下来有何打算?
  [04:59.10]I'm gonna skip Salt Lake, 我不去盐湖城了
