听电影学英语-好运之人 13(在线收听

  [00:04.18]You just treat her right. 要好好待她呀
  [00:05.30]Okay. 好的
  [00:06.30]When you get married, 什么时候结婚
  [00:09.18]let me know 'cause I want to send you something. 告诉我因为我想送你点东西
  [00:10.46]You got lots of celebrating to do. 你有好多庆祝会要开呢
  [00:11.66]You got your bridal shower and your engagement party... 新娘礼会和订婚酒会...
  [00:14.14]All right, Colee. 好了 Colee
  [00:15.14]- Rehearsal dinner...  - Stop, stop, stop. - 预演晚餐...  - 别说了 停了 停了
  [00:18.42]It's gonna be nice. 多好呀
  [00:19.02]Just take care. 照顾好自己
  [00:27.18]That was a bit forward. 这有点出格了
  [00:31.30]Listen to me. 听我说
  [00:31.42]Good luck at the tables. 赌桌上好运
  [00:32.94]You go home, do what you need to do there. 你回家 做你该做的
  [00:35.02]If I were you, I'd think twice about going back. 如果是我 我会考虑下回部队的事
  [00:38.78]Well, if I go home, I'm going back. 其实 如果我回家 就像回部队一样
  [00:41.58]You know, my whole family's in the Army, so it's almost the same thing. 知道么 我全家都参军 两者是一码事
  [00:48.50]Well, see you guys. 那好 再见了大家
  [00:59.86]So, uh, you sure you don't want me to drive you over to Randy's? 那 额 你确定不需要我送你去Randy家?
  [01:06.42]No, I gotta do this by myself. 不 我得自己去
  [01:07.58]I'll take a taxi. 我会找辆出租车
  [01:08.34]Thanks. 谢谢
  [01:09.58]Well, if you need anything, 那好 有什么需要
  [01:11.86]you give me a call. 给我打电话
  [01:16.06]All right? 是么?
  [01:19.14]I'm real sorry about that guitar. 那吉他的事真的很抱歉
  [01:20.74]Forget it. 别想它了
  [01:24.42]You bring it to them. 把它带给他们
  [01:27.90]They're gonna love you. 他们会喜欢你的
  [01:41.18]... worried about blowing up some abandoned Iraqi tanks ... 担心炸毁些遗弃的伊拉克坦克
  [01:46.50]and other personnel carriers... 和装甲运兵车...
  [01:47.18]What'll it be? 要些什么?
  [01:48.18]Can I get a shot of tequila? 给我来杯龙舌兰酒?
  [01:52.02]Suddenly, out of an alleyway, wham! 突然 从一个胡同里 哇姆!
  [01:57.10]There comes an RPG and missiles from the air. 从天而降的导弹如同玩角色扮演游戏
  [01:59.50]We have been trying to get a live report... 我们一直在等着伤员报告...
  [02:02.70]Can you make that a double? 能放大点声音么?
  [02:31.34]- Yes?  - Hi. - 什么事?  - 你好
  [02:31.90]I'm Colee Dunn. 我是Colee Dunn
  [02:35.70]I was a friend of Randy's. 是Randy的朋友
  [02:37.58]We served together and... 我们一起服役然后...
  [02:40.34]this is his guitar. 这是他的吉他
  [02:46.70]Well, come in. 好的 进来吧
  [02:46.82]And these flowers are for you, too. 还有 这花也是送给你们的
  [02:51.70]Thank you. 谢谢
  [02:56.46]We love flowers. 我们喜欢花
  [02:59.26]Here we are. 我们到了
  [03:03.54]You know, you have such a beautiful home. 知道么 你们家真是太美了
  [03:07.02]Thanks. 谢谢
  [03:10.66]I guess you didn't... 我以为你们不需要...
  [03:11.78]you didn't really need the flowers. 你们不需要花
  [03:16.14]Well, we're always happy for more. 呵 我们总是希望花多点
  [03:17.74]We have a flower wholesaling business, so... 我们有个花卉批发业务 所以...
  [03:21.50]Randy probably told you that. 也许Randy告诉过你
  [03:23.58]Of course, he never liked working there. 当然 他从来不喜欢在这工作
  [03:23.86]You know boys. 你知道的 男孩们
  [03:26.38]Always trying to prove they're men. 总是想证明他们已是男人
  [03:32.26]I guess working in a flower shop 我想在花店里工作
  [03:32.42]didn't quite go with that. 确实不适合他
  [03:35.74]I must say, I didn't even know 我必须承认 我从来不知道
  [03:39.58]that Randy played the guitar. Randy喜欢玩吉他
  [03:43.98]I thought that... 我以为...
  [03:45.78]I thought that maybe you gave it to him. 我以为这也许是你们给他的
  [03:50.70]It wasn't in your family? 这不是你们家的?
  [03:54.90]No. 不是
  [03:56.42]Our family was never too musical. 我们家一直不是很喜欢音乐
  [03:58.18]So I don't know where he would have gotten such a nice guitar. 所以我不知道他从哪里得到这么好的吉他
  [04:04.26]That's funny. 很有趣
  [04:32.26]How are you doing today, sir? 今天过的怎么样 先生?
  [04:35.90]I'll know in about 30 minutes. 我只知道以后的30分钟怎么样
  [04:40.02]You ever think about it? 你从来没考虑过吗?
  [04:40.46]Never too old to sign up. 什么时候参军都不算晚
  [04:43.14]I just got out. 我刚退役
  [04:45.82]That'd be the best time to get back in. 这是回去的最好时候
  [04:48.18]Yeah. 是啊
  [04:59.50]There you go, sweetie. 给你 宝贝
