听电影学英语-绝配男女 13(在线收听

  [00:03.28]- I love him. - That's no reason.  这不是理由 你在说什么?
  [00:04.44]- What are you talking about? That's the most important reason of all. - Look,  这是最重要的原因
  [00:08.44]Iove doesn't mean a thing if he treats you like shit. Take Lenny and me for example.  听着,如果他不重视你 那爱情什么都不是
  [00:13.80]Not only do we love each other... ...but we respect each other.  我们不仅相互爱着 而且彼此尊重
  [00:15.84]And we laugh all the time.  所以我们才一直相爱
  [00:18.16]Like the other day he was giving me his big ego speech...  前天他送给我一个 鹰型装饰品…
  [00:24.20]"I run my own real estate company!" Blah! Blah! Blah...  而我当着他同事的面亲吻他
  [00:28.20]And I said to him, Lenny, you couldn't run a stop sign.  我对他说,“伦尼 你可以亮出停止信号”
  [00:33.72]He bursts out laughing, we end up shtooping our brains out right on the kitchen floor.  但我讨厌在厨房地上…
  [00:39.60]How is this relevant?  这样做有什么好处?
  [00:42.60]Because no guy worth anything respects a pushover.  因为没人会尊重不独立的女人
  [00:48.76]You want to be treated right? First you have to believe you deserve it.  你不是想得到正当对待吗?
  [00:51.12]And then, you have to demand it.  然后你要提出要求
  [00:56.32]I'm sure it's just a phase. He'll change.  我相信这肯定会失败…
  [00:59.68]Honey, if he changes, his underwear you're ahead of the game.  亲爱的,如果你改变内裤 兴许会有戏
  [01:12.72]What's wrong?  怎么啦?
  [01:14.04]Sometimes I really don't like who I am, when I'm with him.  有时跟他在一起我真的很累
  [01:20.40]You know, in college, Everything made sense.  没有勇气,什么事都没有意义
  [01:24.44]Now it all seems so shaky.  我甚至觉得我们的关系
  [01:28.76]Hey, it's scary out there.  嘿,你吓坏我了
  [01:33.64]I'm 2 weeks late.  我的月经来迟了
  [01:38.16]Oh Julia... Did you tell Drew?  你告诉德鲁了吗?没有
  [01:47.68]Her married friends keep asking her if we're going to tie the knot.  结了婚的朋友 很少能睡个安稳觉
  [01:50.04]Why do married people do that all the time?  为什么结了婚的人都这样做?
  [01:54.88]Misery loves company.  也许我们喜欢有伴
  [01:57.40]Yeah well, lately she seems interested  要不了多久 我们也要不厌其烦讨论…
  [01:59.08]in talking about is saving for a house and having kids.  存钱买房,生孩子
  [02:04.60]She knows what she wants, you can't blame her.  她明白自己的需要 这是她天生的
  [02:06.24]Thank you, Lenny.  谢谢你,伦尼
  [02:10.92]Desert's on the table.  该吃饭了
  [02:23.32]Me thinks Uncle Drew is fucked. Yeah...  我看德鲁有大麻烦了
  [02:27.00]One who honors others, honors himself.  “尊重别人就是尊重自己”
  [02:32.68]This is more like it.  我更喜欢这个,“永不言败”
  [02:34.20]You have a big dong.
  [02:37.88]- He must've gotten Lenny's. - Oh I don't think so.  伦尼肯定拿到自己喜欢的 我看未必
  [02:40.08]Oh I didn't mean it, honey. I know you're hung like a Buffalo.  亲爱的,我不需要那个 我知道你心里爱着我
  [02:50.44]Oh please, you're always making snide little comments.  好了 你老实让我对评论不舒服
  [02:55.12]Love means having to say you're sorry. Constantly.  不要这样好吗?
  [02:59.64]- I don't remember saying that. - Of course you don't remember.  我不记得自己想什么 你当然记得
  [03:01.48]You're a man, you develop amnesia when it's convenient!  你是男人 男人是不会选择忘记的
  [03:03.16]- I was probably joking. - You were serious.  我是开玩笑的 你是认真的
  [03:06.00]- Oh, like you remember whether I was serious or not. - I remember very well.  我怎么记得自己 是不是认真的?
  [03:11.52]It was after you hung out at Monty Brandt's all night,  就是在蒙迪来了后 你就整晚没回家
  [03:13.88]the first time we has dinner at Casa Rosa's. You were wearing the white shirt  我们第一次在卡萨罗萨 你穿着白衬衫…
  [03:19.88]with the navy stripes and the khaki pants that I hate.  系着花花的领带 还有我讨厌的裤子
  [03:20.56]- You remember what I was wearing? - I remember everything, Drew.  你还记得我穿什么? 我什么都记得,德鲁
  [03:25.40]See this is a little game women play. They know that guys don't remember things  这是女人玩的小游戏 她们记得男人不知道的事情
  [03:29.44]so they just cite some insignificant little fact...  所以她们做的决定非常重要
  [03:34.76]...like a navy striped shirt, which lends instant credibility...  包括那些难以置信的事情
  [03:39.28]You were wearing the white shirt with the navy stripes  你穿着白衬衫,系着花领带 穿着我讨厌的裤子
  [03:41.96]and the khaki pants that I hate. But that's not the point.  这样够了吗?我真不明白你!
  [03:43.16]I don't understand you, Julia. I make a few harmless little comments,
  [03:49.32]- why are you so sensitive? - I'm sensitive because you are always preoccupied...
  [03:51.36]- ...and you're always looking at other women! - And you're always complaining!  你总是盯着其它女人看!
  [03:57.20]You have to twist everything around, so that it's my fault.  你走到都被盯着 这是我的错
  [04:05.72]Maybe I want too much,  也许我要求的太多
  [04:09.40]but I'm in love with you, Drew.  但我一直爱着你,德鲁
  [04:11.44]Look, whatever's wrong we can work it out.  听着,不管有什么问题 我们可以一起解决
  [04:16.76]Nothing's wrong, Julia! Just stop pressuring me!  没什么问题! 不要再给我压力!
  [04:20.80]You never want to talk!  你从来都不想交谈
  [04:23.12]You never make love anymore!  我们甚至没再做爱
  [04:27.80]Are you not in love with me anymore?  你不再爱我了吗?
  [04:30.84]Is that it?  是不是啊?
  [04:35.36]Please Drew... ...no intellectual rhetoric,  求你了,德鲁 不要一个人扛着所有困难…
  [04:39.20]no one-liners. Just talk to me.  不要说谎了,尽管告诉我
  [04:53.92]Why do women have to talk everything out?  女人为什么要把 什么事都说出来?
  [04:58.28]Why can't they be like guys, keep things inside and die of heart attacks?  难道男人把事藏在心里 会得心脏病吗?
