听歌学英语:Long Long Journey-ENYA(在线收听

Long Long Journey

ENYA是真正的爱尔兰玫瑰,她的歌声开创了New Age音乐在全世界大行其道的先河,她让人们相信这种既象民谣旋律又有古典美意的“居尔特之声”,犹如天籁在凡间回响。她的创作及录音精雕细琢,慢工出细活,几年才出一张碟, 2005年秋天,Enya的发烧友的心情因为这张名为《Amarantine》的专辑而美丽。《Amarantine》的意思是永恒,诗人们常用这个词来形容一种永不凋谢的花。我们今天要学习的这首《Long Long Journey》就是这张专辑中的一首单曲。

[00:05.79]Listen and Share
[00:12.20]New Age
[00:41.91]《Long Long Journey》
[00:54.40]City lights shine on the harbor
[00:59.41]Night has fallen down
[01:04.74]Through the darkness and the shadow
[01:09.49]I will still go on
[01:14.93]Long Long Journey
[01:17.22]Through the darkness
[01:19.77]Long Long way to go
[01:24.24]But what are miles across the ocean to the heart that's coming home?
[01:36.73]Where the road runs through the valley
[01:41.55]Where the river flows
[01:46.69]I will follow every highway
[01:51.72]To the place I know
[01:56.86]Long Long Journey
[01:59.31]Through the darkness
[02:01.94]Long Long way to go
[02:06.50]But what are miles across the ocean to the heart that's coming home?
[02:18.98]Long Long Journey
[02:21.21]I don't know where
[02:23.68]Long Long way to go
[02:28.18]But what are sighs and what is sadness to the heart that's coming home?
[03:17.26]City lights shine on the harbor
[03:19.48]Night has fallen down
[03:21.55]Through the darkness and the shadow
[03:23.71]I will still go on
[03:33.01]harbor  海港,港口
[03:37.63]The boats in the harbor were safe during the storm.
[04:11.99]Long Long Journey
[04:13.22]Through the darkness
[04:14.47]Long Long way to go
[04:16.37]But what are miles across the ocean to the heart that's coming home?
[04:30.43]the heart that's coming home
[05:10.31]Where the road runs through the valley
[05:12.41]Where the river flows
[05:14.00]I will follow every highway
[05:15.90]To the place I know
[05:54.66]Long Long Journey
[05:56.39]I don't know where
[05:58.11]Long Long way to go
[05:59.92]But what are sighs and what is sadness to the heart that's coming home?
[06:15.83]sigh  叹息,叹气
[06:17.81]sadness  悲伤,伤感
