澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2011-06-12(在线收听

 Checking the way now and developing ? more ? for Lisbon shares in club for both Sydney and Melbourne like low cloud and ice light to chalice over ? called suddenly winds for Holbert and sunshine for Perth and Darwin.Looking around the states now and Queensland can expect cloud and rain across the southeast with a few conscious of sunshine in the northwest.And of sure that will cause deep and strong winds of the southeast ? with scatter chalice on the safer coast and northeast.Victoria can expect inland foregone frost this morning with a cool ? and some large rain in the self snow is expected to fall 1600 meters on the state's southen snopes.? many called suddenly rains will bring large athlatic chalice in the weastern self with cool and fine conditions in the west of the states after the morning fog.? will be mostly cloudy particulary in the south with cool winds will cause scatter chalice with longer coast and nearby hills.Weastern Austrilia can also expect athletic early morning chalice in the south with clear skies and dry easterly wind in the north and weast of the state.And it will be almostly sunny in the ? today with strong and cool southeastly winds about the coast a ? ? to expect to cause ? rain and possible storms.

I'm looking the heat till Monday will be scatter chalice for Lisbane,Sydney,Melbourne and Canberra and mostly fine in the other capital cities with more sunshine for Dawin.