学个词Learn a Word 第1271期 leadership(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是leadership。 Leadership, 领导层。 "The general leadership of Al Qaeda named al-Zawahri as the new leader of the group," 基地组织领导层任命扎瓦希里出任新领导人。电脑公司IBM 6月16日百年诞辰。 "Thanks to risk-taking leadership, IBM is still thriving on its 100th birthday," IBM公司百年后仍然充满活力,这都要归功于勇于接受挑战的领导层。
  美国前众议院议长金里奇发表讲话。 "Newt Gingrich's speech fired up the GOP faithful at the Republican Leadership Conference," 金里奇在共和党领袖大会上的讲话让铁杆共和党人热血沸腾。好的,今天我们学习的词是leadership...
