学个词Learn a Word 第1273期 befriend(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是befriend。 Befriend, 是如今社交网络用语,意思是“加为好友”。 "Former Congressman Anthony Weiner resigned after he was caught sending lewd photos of himself to women he befriended on Twitter," 前联邦众议员安东尼.维纳因为向在推特上加为好友的女性发裸照被发现而宣布辞职。警方不久前破获了一起强奸案。嫌疑人的做法是, "The suspect would befriend high school girls on Facebook and then ask them to baby-sit his daughter," 嫌疑人在脸谱网上将高中女孩加为好友,然后请她们照看自己的女儿。因此,为安全起见, "Don't befriend anyone you don't personally know on Facebook," 不要在脸谱网上将不认识的人加为好友。好的,今天我们学习的词是befriend...
