访谈录 2011-06-06&06-08 《X战警》X教授和万磁王秀演(在线收听

 I always ask someone to do a snippet, a little bit of a song that means something to them. It could be that Magneto and Professor X unite and do something that’s just…

-Magneto will shoot you before it. They never do it nice. 
-I’ve got one, I’ve got one. I’ve got one. It’s perfect. 
-Now, I’ve got you. Oh, good.
-I’ve got one, I’ve got one. 
-Is this for, is this for Edicon Johns? 
-I though we can both do it together? 
-But you always sing songs I don’t know them. 
-No, you know this one. 
-Well, whisper to me. 
-“Two little boys had two little toys. Each had a woodenhorse. Daily they played each summer’s day, warriors both of course. One little chap, he had a mishap. Broke up his horse’s head…When we grow up, we both be soldiers and our horses will not be toys, climb up here Jack,and don’t be crying, we can go just as this fast with two. I’ve got that all wrong, but the melody was OK.”
Two Little Boys: In 1969, during a tour of Arnhem Land with his wife and daughter, Rolf briefly stayed with a man called Ted Egan. Ted sung him this song, which Rolf recorded on tape. When he got back to England and talked his television producer into using the song, Rolf discovered he had lost the tape! Rolf rang Ted, twelve thousand miles away in Canberra, and got him to sing the song over the phone. Alan Braden arranged the song for the TV show, and the audience reaction was so marvellous that Rolf decided to record it. This song was top of the hit parade for seven weeks over Christmas 1969.