访谈录 2011-06-09&06-11 常青树雪儿专访(在线收听

 -Well now, speaking of A list

-And I'm sorry, and don't take this the wrong way. I didn't know that when your friends, hum, explain the relationship to us, was Cher, for God's sakes, how does, how does that happen? 
-Your friends as well.
-I've known her for years.
-Are you guys good or you are on the bubble?
-No, no, we're, we're, I think I have great respect for her, I don't know how she feels about me, but  I do like her, 
-She absolutely…
-I like her.
-I know that she loves you.
-Oh, good
-And so, yes, we became pals, and you know it's unusual, 
-But how, where did you meet?
-Well, Rosie O'Donnell introduced us, and then she called me one day which is funny to get a call from Cher, coz she's got that Cher voice. It's like she sounds like Cher, ah, and then I said, hum, you know, I sent to Rosie, well, should I give her my number? And then when I first met her, I said, I'll be honest, I didn't know if it was you, and should I give you my number? And she said, of course you should, I'm Cher. And, I'm quoting, I'm quoting. Are you ready?
-Wow, what happened?
-A bomb went off. 
-No, I don't know. Are we alright?
-It was a Cher moment.
-I had a little, I had… Look, I had a TIA. (Transient Ischemic Attack:短暂性脑缺血发作)
-Transglobal and me…
-Trans, trans, transient ischemic attack.
-Paul, Paul, that’s how we talk, we are show-folks. 
-Well, I can see that. Excuse me.
-So, we hang out, and I…
-Wait, what do you say hang out, you don't really just hang out, 
-Honestly, I'm swear.
-No, no, no, no, what do you really do with her?
-We really, I go to her house which I call Cher Island, because…
-Is it, is it huge, that house?
-Yes, I'd never seen a house like this, it's basically an island, it's like the North Pole, like Santa, it's like I'm going to see Santa. Her address is just “Cher, United States”, and we go and with no makeup.
-Every year the kids send her letters to her, asking for gifts. 
-And she gives them
-That's right.
-Maybe some glittering eyelashes or a couple of wigs, hum, and we go and there's no makeup policy, and we go in our sweats and just… 
-What does that mean, no makeup policy?
-Oh, you know, like, well, coz she doesn't need to look like the full Cher regalia, and I have some magic hair, you know that. 
-No, I don't know what you're talking about.
-I am tracking, feel it, feel my head.
-Did I bite you? I'm sorry, sometimes it gets you mad.