访谈录 2011-07-12&07-14 罗西·培瑞兹专访(在线收听

 -Rosie, you look sensational. You're just the right guest to have on the show when we are talking about sexual harassment. Yeah, are you Ok? coz last time you were here your neck was sore, you got hurt when you were hum, you were filming something. You’re alright?

-Yes, yes. I am healing quite nicely.
-I would say so.
-Oh, my goodness. I need my Tom Cruise.
-Oh, OK. Hold on. Your little Tom Cruise still that we have, yeah, hang on, here is it.
-Thank you. 
-Alright, yeah. We keep that in case Tom Cruise is ever on the show. You feel more comfortable now?
-Yes. Thank you.
-There you are. That’s good. What happened to your neck again? It was, it was sore, wasn't it? Someone hugged you too tightly?
-No, they broke my neck. They did.
-Yeah, by accident though.
-Yes. By accident. It was on the shoot and, and they hum,  I had baby shakes in drama and I went to Doctor Mccain. I had surgery. I had morphine or that.
-And, hum, and hum, but I couldn’t sue, had to stop that. 
-Yeah, yeah, yeah. 
-And gave you warm cozy feeling inside.
-Do that again.
-Oh my goodness, no.
-Just slow down a little bit.
-I was sexually harassed.
-Well. Right there when I say do that again?
-I would guess that’s sexual harassment. 
-Kind of a little bit. You were sexually harassed elsewhere? In the workplace?
-Oh, I, yes. I used to be sexually harassed all the time. I used to always wonder like why me. You know. And hum, I…
-Sorry. I was inappropriate. 
-Yeah. I would… Can I say it? But is a little X-rated.
-Oh, I think it would be alright.
-OK. So like alright. I was working for this hum, this record company when I was going the college here in Los Angeles, right? 
-I won’t say its name. But the record company used to be Al Baraya, right? And so…
-Was it El Braya?
-No. And so...
-And so we were doing inventory late at, at night and I lived in this terrible neighborhood, and I didn’t know it was a terrible neighborhood because it looks really nice when you come from New York and you see palm trees to go, oh.
-Oh, it's all right. Yeah. It's right.
-Yeah, and like when I first got to the neighborhood, this guy was like “what’s up? Curs (refers to coward man)?” And I go “are we related?” 
-And I didn’t know anything about the bloods and the craps and whatever. Okay, but I digressed. So anyway, so hum, so the guy, the assistant manager, you know, he was like “do you want me to drive you home?” It is late at night. It's one or two in the morning. And I said sure. You had the neighborhood dangerous and he drives me home and I felt for the okie dokie. He says can I come in to use your bathroom? And I said...
-I know. 
-And, coz you know in New York, the sexual harassment is nice. It is not like that. You know. Now you know, you know, what I mean, I, you know what I mean?
-I feel we are not helping forward that. You know anyway.
-No, Okay, okay. No, coz like when they go like “Hi, Mamie, you look good.” That is a compliment. But anyway, so hum.
-Is it?
-Hi. Mama you look good.
-Not like that. That's, that's like turbine?
-So I do. How would I,  how do you say that mama you look good? Would that be?
-You have to have like a touch of sweetness. But you like..like that.
-All right I’ll do that again. “Hi, Mama you look good.”