豆知识 2010-12-26&2011-01-01 认识IPv6 (2/2)(在线收听

 IPv6 is designed to meet the requirementsof the potentially huge Internet expansion. It will allow a return to a globalenvironment where the addressing rules of the network are transparent to theapplications again. Through autoconfiguration and plug-and-play support,network devices will be able to connect to the network without manual configurationand without any bootstrap services, such as DHCP service. 

IPv6 succeeds in doing this by providingthe following benefits to network and IT professionals.
First, IPv6 has a larger address spacefor global reachability and scalability. This will result in an almostunlimited number of IP addresses and a hierarchical network architecture forrouting efficiency. This eliminates the problems associated with NET. The abilityto provide global addresses for each network device and enables end-to-endreachability. And network management will be simpler and easier. 
Second, a simplified header format forefficient packet handling. 6 of the 12 IPv4 header fields have been removed inIPv6. Some IPv4 fields have been carried over with modified names and some newfields have been added to improve efficiency and introduce new features. 
Third, a hierarchical networkarchitecture for routing efficiency, that follows some of the IPv4 CIDR principles. 
Another important IPv6 benefit is theembedded security with mandatory IPsec implementation. While the use of IPsecis optional in IPv4, IPsec is mandatory in IPv6. IPsec is part of the IPv6protocol suite.
Therefore, network implementerscould enable IPsec in every IPv6 node, potentially making the networks moresecure. 
Additionally, IPv6 offers an increasednumber of multicast addresses. IPv6 will not use broadcast, leading to a more performant network. 
Moreover, in IPv6 the ICMP protocol hasbeen revised. ICMP version six has become much more powerful and includes newfunctions to support autoconfiguration, neighbor discovery and multicasting. 
And finally, IPv6 offers built-inmobility as the anticipated large rollout of wireless data services is a keyIPv6 driver.